Echoes of before.

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"Molly, Molly love, you're ok, come on pet." Rita's voice filtered through the dark fog and dragged her back to reality.  Opening her eyes, she realised she was now in her front room, with Rita gently wiping her face with a cool damp cloth. "There you are lovie, now sit up slowly..."

Molly sat up and looked at her. 

"It- it was my Dad..." she whispered, then suddenly looked around the room.  "where.."

"He's gone love. He shouted for help and when Bill and I came out, he left.  Said he would come back another time." Rita looked at her sadly, "I don't know if he was telling the truth. I never met your Dad, we moved into the street after you and James had been.., well, after you and James." she finished awkwardly.

Molly nodded, tears now beginning to fall.  "I think, I think it was him.  He knew things, knew my name, my DAD name." she wiped them away angrily, her senses kicking in properly. "How DARE he come here out of the blue.  He said he was frightened.  How DARE he be frightened.  He was - is - was - oh who the hell knows, my bloody FATHER.  How DARE he leave us." she gave up wiping the tears and let them fall.  "I need to talk to Tom. " she said more quietly.  "I need Tom."

"It's ok Molly, he knows,  As soon as you went down, your phone must have cut off.  He called back while Bill was carrying you in.  I told him what's happened.  He said to call him the moment you can.  He's going to try to come home early. He said to tell you he loves you very much and he'll be there for you as soon as he can." she smiled at Molly. "He's a keeper that one, and ohhh that voice!"

Molly smiled, both at the message and at Rita's reaction. Hiddlescharm in full effect. 

"Thanks Rita and thank Bill for me too would you, poor soul must need a hernia operation now after carrying me all that way in!" she laughed, releasing the tension and Rita shook her head in amusement. 

"Don't you worry about that, he'd needed the exercise for years love.  Now, will you be ok?  Do you want to come over and spend the rest of the evening with us so you're not on your own?  To be honest?  I'd like the company.  That old bugger never lets me watch tv in peace." she winked and Molly nodded. 

"Yes, that would be lovely, I'll just call Tom and then be over.  I have a packet of naughty snacks in the fridge - you know - the chocolate orangey ones, pop the kettle on and we can devour them in front of the TV." Molly followed her to the door.  As she opened it, she automatically looked out and around to see if he was there.  No sign, she breathed a sigh of relief. Rita hugged her and left, reminding her not to be too long, the kettle was on.

Molly closed the door and leant against it.  Closing her eyes she took a few deep breaths, then picking up her phone - it's screen now a beautiful mosaic of broken glass - she dialled Tom.

After a couple of rings he picked up "Molly!  Darling! Are you ok?  Is Rita with you still?  Should you be alone?  Is he there?  Is your Father still there?" a million questions, well, what felt like a million questions filled her ears.  She smiled, his overwhelming concern, even in the midst of his hectic schedule was still her.

"I'm ok love, Rita is at home, waiting for me to bring over the Jaffa Cakes and no, he's gone.  I don't know if he'll come back.  I don't much care.  He went to hell all those years ago, and as far as I am concerned, he can stay there." she finished with more venom than she intended when she started. 

"Ok love, you don't have to see anyone you don't want to.  Not even him.  It's up to you.  Remember, he's the one that did you wrong, for whatever reason.  He was still the one that owed people the apology.  Not you.  Now, two questions...." he paused and she walked to the window waving to Rita she would be five more minutes.


"One, are you working tomorrow? " 

"No, well, yes, half day  I finish at twelve, was going to get my hair done. For meeting you at the weekend." she smiled and flushed at the thought of their reunion after so long apart.  Tom just replied with an "ok" and she waited.  And waited.  "Tom?  You said two things."

"Oh sorry love, I was just finalising something on my laptop." you could hear the smile in his voice. "Well, don't make any plans for the afternoon ok?"

"okaaaay"she agreed reluctantly, "why?  I have a sneaking feelings I'm being hookwinked here!" 

"No, I promise it's nothing bad.  I absolutely promise.  Oh, by the way," he threw in casually "I meant to ask what hairdresser to do you go to?  One of the girls in Luke's office saw your hair in a photo as asked.  Said your highlights were, and I', quoting ... sick" she could now hear the shrug.

"Oh you old Fossil,not very down with the kids are you eh?"  She leant against the window ledge then turned and sat down.  "I miss you Tom, more than I ever thought I would."

"Now don't you get all sad on me kitten!" he said with a gentle scold "stay up beat.  I'll be home before you know it ok?" she could all but see his eyes, all but feel his smile.  She felt it's warmth it's care.

"Ok, see you soon love, have a good night ok? Love you."

"Love you more Molls."

They hung up and Molly sighed.  This was something she would have to get used to.  Not like, she would never like to be parted from him, but get used to. The trade off? The reunions.  With that glowing in the back of her mind, she closed the door and headed for Rita's armed with her packet of Jaffa cakes.

As she crossed the road, dusk was falling.  She hurried into Rita's neither looking to the right or the left.  As a result, she didn't see the two men standing further down the street, just watching from their spot in the gloom.  The younger of the two might have been roughly the same age as Molly, perhaps a little younger.  The other?  He was older, much older, with a sallow, grey complexion and yellowing eyes.

As she walked across the road, the old man turned to his companion and nodded.  "Aye, that's her son.  She looks exactly like her eh, just younger?"

"Yes, yes, exactly like mum."

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