And So To Bed...

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"No answer?" Tom asked her as she hung up again. Molly shook her head. She was beginning to get a bit concerned.  This wasn't like James at all. 

"Should we go looking?" Tom came over and put a hand on her shoulder. She shook her head, 

"No not yet, I'm sure he'll be here soon. Yeah, soon." she wasn't sure she was convincing either of them.  Tom looked down at her, a soft smile on his lips.  He so wanted to hug her, but he knew that would be a recipe for disaster.  They'd already attracted a little attention and he didn't want anything to get in the way.

"Try not to worry Molls, I'm sure he's just running late. Why don't you text him and say we'll start a light jog round the park. He can join us when he gets here." She nodded and a few moments later, they set off.  Initially they chatted but soon fell into a companionable silence.  

Silence that allowed her to replay the events of the previous night.  Maybe if she kept doing that, they might eventually seem real?

Dinner was a cosy and informal affair at a small Italian in the north of the city.  Tom had obviously chosen it from previous experience, knowing here he could relax and be himself.  He was greeted by the staff like an old friend and the waiter, a small chubby man with a beaming smile and a moustache that looked like it had been painted on for the night, handed them some menus.

"So, what would you like to drink?  Vino?  Beer?" he smiled at them and Tom looked at Molly.

"Your choice love? I don't mind either.  I was planning on getting us a taxi later so there's no worry on that score.  Gino let's me park here all the time. " he smiled and the waiter, Gino, nodded.

"Si, always the pleasure to have you Signori" he looked at Tom and then at Molly "I can recommend the Valpolicella?  Or if you'd prefer a beer; Nastro Azzuro?" 

Molly instantly plumped for the beer.  She'd had Nastro Azzuro for the first time in Rome and forever after it reminded her of that trip.  She longed to go back.

"Azzuro per favore, Signori" she replied with a little flush and a smile.  Gino looked at her and bowed very slightly, 

"Parli Italiano?" 

"Solo un po!"  she blushed harder as Tom stared at her in open admiration.  Gino disappeared to fetch the drinks and she looked down at the menu.  She became aware he was still looking at her.

"What?  Did I say that wrong?  Oh please tell me I didn't say I was a snail or something!" she giggled and he laughed loudly.

"No, not at all.  My Italian is VERY basic, but it sounded perfect to me love! You are FULL of surprises." he paused and reached over the table, "I'd like to see how many more?"  his hand covered hers and squeezed gently. "I think we're going to have a good time together, don't you?"

She nodded, blissfully unaware he didn't just mean that night.  

Pizza was the order of the day and they shared a half and half, pepperoni and vegetable.  It was thin, crispy and delicious and before they knew it, finished.  Gino reappeared .


Tom looked at her and winked "Tiramisu and two spoons please." he said and she nodded. "We're supposed to be in training after all!" he laughed and shrugged. "God knows what Sergeant Major James would say if he could see us now!" 

She sat to attention in her chair and put on a fierce face "Put that dessert down NOW Hiddleston" she barked in a gruff voice "you know a moment on this lips is a lifetime on the hips..." she couldn't keep it up and snorted with laughter. 

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