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No one's pov

This is a break in college and yoongi tried to approach hoseok but he was very busy in jimin. He didn't even look towards yoongi.

After some time yoongi saw hobi with jimin hands in hands and going towards cafeteria. Ignoring him.

After college yoongi reached in their house but hoseok haven't appraoched yet but some he saw hobi with big smile on his face. That is not leaving his face .

" Looking like something good have happened. Did you purpose jimin and he said yess??? Tell me??" Yoongi said when teasing him. But the next words of hoseok made his whole go upside down.

"Yess that's right I propose him him he said yess ... He also loved me yoongi I'm Soo happy I can't even tell you." Hoseok said hugging yoongi and jumping up and down.

"Ohh that's Soo good"yoongi said while covering his sad face with the mask of fake smile.

" And ... Yoongi..... I have to go on a date with him tomorrow, wouldn't you mind if I go , I know we had some plans because of weekend but I want to spend my this weekend with him. Could I go if you don't mind " asked hoseok with the the face of doubt.

" Ohh...... Umm. It's ok hoba we can have plans on some another day you should go with him ." Said yoongi with fake smile.

" Awwww thank you so much yoongi, you are my best friend, and I love you , you are so sweet. Ok Soo now I have to choose a dress for date could you please help me in please." Hoseok said last words with puppy wyes that yoongi can't resist. He got agree for choosing the dress.

In the end they come up with a very beautiful dress that will look very handsome and cute  hoseok.



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