Chapter 1

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Hyunjin was late. And he was totally aware of this fact. He should have arrived at the company like... He checked the watch on his wrist. 15 minutes ago! Perfect! Instead, he was stuck in the same traffic jam that tortured him every morning for the past month. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

Today they would assign him a new photoshoot, with God-knows-who and God-knows-for-what. Don't get him wrong, he loved his job. He really did. But when he applied for the photographer position, he imagined shooting pictures ethereal beauties in front of breathtaking landscapes, not being locked up in a studio with cocky wannabe models that barely know how to pose. But this, he guessed, was something every rising photographer had to go through before reaching the peak of their career.

He took a compact mirror out of his Louis Vuitton Bosphore backpack - the latter being a generous gift from his wealthy aunt Suyeon that had passed away three years ago. He didn't have time to fix his hair in the morning, so he figured out that now, while waiting at the queue, was a good opportunity to make an effort to look presentable instead of showing up at work with his messy bedhead. Well, without a hairbrush, this was easier said than done. He kept patting his hair for a while, but when he looked into the mirror again, little improvement was made: his head still looked like a brown bush. He groaned and threw the mirror back in his bag, the Monogram of the brand catching his eye for a brief moment. He returned his gaze to the street, ignoring the honks sounding around him. Like what did these people expect him to do? Turn on his non-existent flying mode and take off to get out of the way?

The cars in front of him moved a bit and he followed suit. Jeez, if they kept going that slow, he would by outside his workplace in 2 days.

Time proved him wrong, however, as half an hour later, he was standing in front of the 20-story skyscraper he had gotten used to seeing on a daily basis. He took a deep breath, hoping that this time he would work with a decent model. He hesitated a bit, but eventually gathered up the courage to pass through the revolving door. He was greeted by a cold draught of air coming from the air-conditioning. It made his body shiver, but he found it somewhat refreshing.

The ground floor of the building was a bright hall, adorned with green plants in white pots and a couple of modern artworks hung on the walls. Cream sofas and armchairs were scattered around the room, surrounding small coffee tables of the same colour. The wall around the revolving door was made out of glass, unlike the three others, that were concrete and painted in a shade of beige. Hyunjin's destination - the elevators - was across the entrance, right next to an artificial tree.

As he stood there, he noticed a few more people waiting. First, a brown-haired woman in her 30s, with round glasses that framed her wide blue eyes and a black pencil skirt paired with a white button-up shirt. Next to her, a middle-aged man with a folded newspaper in hand. From this angle, Hyunjin could only read part of the front page headline. Something about the economic crisis. Probably yet another article analyzing the effects the government's measures had on the average citizen. Exactly the category in which Hyunjin belonged, but he couldn't care less. Life had always been hard. Why would it have gotten any easier now?

He heard the typical ding signaling that the elevator had arrived at their floor. Following the brown-haired woman with the glasses and the man with the newspaper, he entered the cabin and pushed the button to the 9th floor. The doors were about to close when a tiny hand appeared between them. With the photocell catching the movement, the doors opened again and Hyunjin was met with quite the sight. Blonde hair, plush heart-shaped lips, shiny brown eyes... His mind was unable to produce any coherent thoughts. Or any thoughts at all. Instead it was processing the complicated signals that overwhelmed it as a result of the man's appearance.

The blonde got in the elevator mumbling a 'sorry'. And God, his voice. Hyunjin had never heard a voice so deep and attractive. He felt his heart ready to jump out of his chest when the man leaned close to him in an attempt to look at the buttons. He averted his gaze quickly though, making it obvious that the number of the floor he was going to was already encircled by red light.

Oh dear, Hyunjin had never felt so gay before. Yes, he found men hot. But thirsting over how a boy's Adam's apple bobbed every time he swallowed? No, he wasn't usually like that. And the blonde's tight leather pants that showcased his tempting curves weren't helping at all. Hyunjin really needed to calm down if he didn't want to pop an awkward boner at work. He tried to breathe normally, but right then the other accidentally dropped the papers he was holding. Hyunjin mustered all of his common sense to restrain himself from staring, but in vain. Because when he glanced at the blonde, bent over and picking up the papers, all he could think about was kicking the middle-aged man and the woman out of the elevator when they'd reach the next level and taking the boy right there.

But no, he couldn't do that. It wasn't like the blonde was eye-fucking him too. He probably hadn't even noticed his presence. Hyunjin frowned a bit at that. The blonde finished collecting his stuff and straightened up, but Hyunjin's eyes remained fixed on his round buttocks. Hopefully the other hadn't noticed him.

When they stopped at the 9th floor, Hyunjin realised it was the first time he was sad that he had to leave the elevator. He dragged his feet towards his company's office, feeling like a child that had been deprived of his favourite candy. Yes, that was the best simile one could think of for his situation. Because he would definitely devour the blonde if he was given the chance, but now he would just have to bear the fact that the other would remain a wet dream to him.

He opened the door to the office and greeted his co-workers half-heartedly, moving towards his manager's desk.

"Ah! Hyunjin! At last!", his manager exclaimed, sounding relieved.

"Sorry I was late, got stuck in the traffic jam", Hyunjin muttered to justify his delay.

"Don't worry, you will cooperate with Lee Felix. And as you can see, he is not here yet".

Hyunjin shook his head indifferently:

"Sorry, don't know him".

But he must be one of those high and mighty models that think they are super popular, he thought to himself.

His manager gave him a surprised look:

"Oh, thought the name would ring a bell... I mean since you are... But I guess you just have never stumbled upon him"

"Since I am what?"

"I mean..." His manager lowered his voice. "Since you are attracted to men, thought you would've seen him somewhere, he's trending recently".

"Trending where?"

Before the manager could reply, the door opened and Hyunjin was thunderstruck for the second time in the day. Because at the door stood none other than the hot blonde he had seen in the elevator.

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