Part II - Chapter 2: A Clear Mind

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A/N: A little short, I know. Forgive me. I'll try and make the next one a little longer. Recent personal issues have rather stinted my ability to write, though I love this story.

"No masks... Remember?" Those words ran through my head, as I excused myself from the room, rather abruptly. Without another word, I left the house. I took in a large gulp of fresh air, leaning against the railing. Holy... My mind raced, and I couldn't think straight. What the hell was that? My mind screamed at me. Truth is, I didn't know. I was breathing deeply, and I couldn't keep my head still. Blinking rapidly, I breathed heavier and heavier, gulping air in.

Slightly off subject, you may be wondering why I wasn't more worried about the Snake. Honestly, I thought he was just some whacko. I thought he was just mental. I hadn't seen him since, and the police were looking for him. I figured it would only be a matter of time until they caught him. I was a little worried, but my mind didn't allow much for anxiety. Not yet, anyway.

After I'd thought over it, I could breath a little easier. Aaron was just... Confused. That was all. I knew how he felt. Confused and disorientated. Shaking myself, I regained my composure. I ran a hand through my hair, simply out of habit, and walked back in. Aaron still hadn't come down from his bedroom. I lied easily to his mother, telling her I just felt a little off-colour, and that I was fine now. I went back up to Aaron's room and stood outside it, hand resting on the handle. Taking a deep breath, I headed back in. Aaron was still sat on his bed, and looked at me expectedly. I shifted slightly, and smiled, a little falsely. "Hey." He whispered, looking a little sad.

"Hi... You alright?" I asked him, though I could clearly see he wasn't.

"Erm... I will be." He shrugged. I sighed and sat next to him. I wasn't good in situations like this.

"I-I'm sorry." I started, looking at my lap.

"You don't have to be... I was..." He paused. "Spur of the moment. Won't happen again." His voice was low in pitch, and felt hesitant. He was miserable.

"Aaron... I've never thought of things like that." I carefully considered my words. "I... I never imagined you felt like that." I watched his face. He seemed nervous, and he didn't want to look at me.

"Yeah, well... I suppose everyone has secrets." He smiled softly, and it seemed genuine.

"You should have told me." I nudged him, smiling softly.

"Would you have told me?" He asked me, and I thought for a minute.

"Good point." I conceded. I looked at him. This boy, who had been the closest friend I'd had for the longest time... And then, I realised. It didn't change anything as far as I was concerned. It wasn't a secret to me anymore. He wasn't hiding anything from me. He was still my best friend.

I don't want to dwell on that afternoon. Nothing much else happened, but we talked seriously. I didn't refuse him, but I said I needed to think. He dropped me off at my house, and I retired to my bedroom to think. I turned on my computer, and checked my emails. Nothing. I frowned, and checked my phone. There was one text message. It was from an unknown number. It ran like so: You might have wondered why I didn't kill you last night. After all, that was my mission. Well, I said they want you dead. I don't. I want you to suffer. You don't know why yet. But you will. The sins of our fathers, and whatnot. You'll be hearing from me again. And so will your friends. By the time this is over, you'll want to die.

My heart stalled, and I gulped. Oh God. This guy's serious. I picked up my phone and called the police. I informed them what was happening, and they said they'd be round shortly. I ran downstairs and informed my mother of what was happening. She was as panicked as I was. The police eventually arrived, and I showed them the message. They questioned me about the previous night, and I answered, though I left out the part about my 'real parents'. I didn't want to bring that up, not just yet. They left, promising they'd do all they could. My back began to hurt again, and I groaned. I took more painkillers, and retired to bed.

I had a nightmare that night.

Fire. Fire everywhere. The sky was burning, the grass was burning and the air was enflamed. There were screams... Horrible screams. My friends, my family and everyone I'd ever met... Burning alive. The world was alight. I couldn't move, no matter how hard I tried, how much effort I put into moving my seemingly-leadened legs. My arms flailed, and the flames quickly approached me. I could smell smoke. Out of the smoke leapt two faces. Two faces I'd never seen before. Two men, each as stone-faced as the Snake, but much more handsome. A small smile tugged at the corners of the mouth of one, though his eyes seemed focused and neutral. Quickly, their faces were evaporated by the fire, as it reached me.

I woke up screaming.

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