Part II - Chapter 4: The Snake Bites

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It was Friday before anything actually happened. I was, once again, wandering from the school bus. I made carefully sure to avoid the street with the warehouse, though I assumed they wouldn't be stupid enough to take me from the same place. The day had been tiring, and I wasn't thinking straight. Aaron had been off sick, and I'd had coursework and other stressful things to deal with. I couldn't wait to get home, and sleep. I was walking slower, and felt like I'd been drugged again. Everyone else had left me far behind as they walked home, and the street was deserted. Oh... This might not be good. I thought, as I looked around. There was only one car... A black saloon. A very familiar black saloon.

I began running, but the car was too quick. No... No... No! My mind screamed, and I picked up speed. I turned a corner, quick than the car could. Unfortunately, it was right smack into a wall. I crumpled against it, and heard footsteps. There was building work going on next to the wall, and I crawled into there. I stumbled back to my feet, and leant against a beam. "We meet again." The familiar, hissing voice whispered. I gulped and turned to see the Snake.
"Yeah... This time I'm not tied up." I tried to sound more confident than I actually was, and straightened up, though I still wasn't as tall as him. I tried to look as scary as I could, though I knew I failed miserably.
"What difference does that make?" The Snake asked, his hiss sounding more like an actual voice. It sounded... Amused.
"I can... Fight you." I sounded assured, and I actually was. I knew I could fight. Better than this weedy old man, anyway.
"Hmm" He laughed. "Alright. Fight me."  He sounded confident... Too confident. I moved towards him, attempting to throw a punch. He sidestepped, and threw me. I went careening through a wooden board. Happily, I turned, and landed through it on my back. "Hmm... Try again." I groaned, and got up, aching and slow. I shook my head, and, rather foolishly, tried to throw another. He sidestepped, and swept my legs, knocking me down. He laughed, and turned around. I saw the arrogance in his stride, and kicked out. He gasped, and fell, as I hit the back of his knee, crumpling him. I got back up, and began to run.

I ran home, and burst through the door, panting for breath. My mother found me, and I quickly explained what had happened. Immediately, she phoned the police. I groaned, and took some more painkillers. I groaned, and felt the bandage, fresh on this morning, on my back. It didn't sting anymore. Perhaps it had healed. I carefully peeled it off, and tried to examine the scar left behind. I was expecting just a straight line, but what I saw was not just a thin, white line. It was a shape. A very distinct shape. An S, though the top of it was a very distinct head. A snake's head. While this unnerved me, it didn't surprise me. The Snake left the mark of a snake. Not in any way original, and I wasn't impressed. I rolled my eyes, then laughed at my reaction. God, I'm weird.

I retired to my bed, still massively on edge. That was much too close for comfort. This guy was serious. He wanted to kill me, obviously. But not just kill me. Hurt me. I didn't really want to think of how he'd do that... But I couldn't help it. I was losing my sense of security. I shook my head, clearing my head of the thoughts. It was remarkably easy, and I breathed out heavily. It's fine. You aren't going to die. I thought, and satisfied myself with that thought, though it was only pushed back, repressed. I knew I was in danger. I just didn't know what to do. I was terrified, though my body wouldn't allow me to be notice.

You see, when you try and convince others that you don't care, you begin to believe it yourself. It's bottling it up, in essence. Unfortunately, this happens a lot to me, and I end up feeling the emotions no too long after that. It can happen anytime, when I'm alone, or in the middle of a conversation. In the case of the latter, I have to hide it, obviously. I lay awake that night, not once sleeping. My mind was clear, but I still felt worried. As it would turn out not too long after, I was right to be worried. Still, I didn't know that just yet. 

It was the following night that anything interesting happened. I was expecting a quiet night, of playing on games and writing, but it was interrupted by an altogether unlikely source. There was a knock at my door, and my mum called up to me, telling me it was for me. Instantly, this was suspicious. No-one ever asked for me at my door. I went down slowly, trying to get a glimpse of my caller. When I was at my gran's house, sure, people would knock on me. Not here, though. I didn't have friends here. Anyway, who would be calling this late? As I walked down the stairs, I glimpsed a tall figure outside. The voice was familiar, and it startled me. Aaron? My heart jumped, admittedly, and I walked to the door. "Hello." I said, though it sounded more like a question. 
"Hey." He smiled softly, an inch of nerves mixed in. "Listen..." He frowned softly, and paused. I waited for him to continue. "Do you wanna go out tonight?" He asked, looking at me nervously. I blinked.
"I... Where?" I asked, blinking at him.
"Well..." He seemed to consider the question. "Bowling?"
"Erm..." I couldn't help but smile. I'd never known him to be impulsive. There's someone who wants to hurt you and kill you. You have never been in so much danger. When best to go bowling?

And so we went bowling.

And so, I had fun.

And, a day later... That danger would present itself.

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