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It was exactly 2:59pm when Camille pulled up outside the middle school to pick Javi up and she was not feeling great at all

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It was exactly 2:59pm when Camille pulled up outside the middle school to pick Javi up and she was not feeling great at all. Travis never showed up for lunch and then didn't show up at lockout time either which meant one of three things; he had said fuck it and gone home, he was high off his ass somewhere or he was dead. She hoped to god that it was the first one. She could probably deal with it if it was the second, she'd just have to keep him away from their dad when he got home. But the third one, that would kill her. Suddenly the door to her car flung open snapping her out of her train of thought.

"I need to get out of here." Travis' voice came as barrelled into the car, almost knocking into her as he did so before throwing his backpack into the back of the car. "Like now Mille, In not even joking." He added panting ever so slightly as Camille let out a slight laugh before shaking her head at him.

"Not so fast. I'm here to pick up Javi for the pep rally so we're not going anywhere." She told him as she turned her body slightly so she could look at him properly. "Plus you are in my bad books right now anyway, where the hell were you at lunch?" She asked, folding her arms over her chest as she raised an expectant eyebrow at him earning a distressed groan from her brother.

"Something came up. But right now I really need you to drive." He pleaded as he fastened his seatbelt but Camille didn't budge. She wasn't going anywhere without one of two things, a proper explanation as to what the hell was going on or Javi. "Camille, I'm serious. I've done something really fuckin stupid and I need to get out of here." He spoke warning an annoyed sigh from Camille. She hated arguing with him even if this wasn't really an argument. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again as she saw their younger brother Javi coming through the main doors of the middle school. "Camille seriously, before he gets in the car. I don't want him involved in this." Travis said almost sounding frantic.

"For fuck sake Trav." She sighed softly under her breath before starting to pull out of her parking space. She hoped to god Javi and their dad for that matter would forgive her for this. "What the hell have you done?" She asked as she reversed out of her spot. Travis didn't need to answer because the answer soon came rolling into the car park. Randy Marsh's car with a large penis spray painted on the bonnet. "Really? You couldn't think of anything better than a penis?" She asked running a hand through her hair as Randy's car approached blocking her off. Travis didn't say anything. He just sank into his seat as if he was hoping it would swallow him. Camille frowned before slowly rolling her window down as she watched Randy climb out of his car and make his way towards them.

"Flex. I know you're in there, I can see your fucking head." Randy bellowed as Travis brought a hand to his face as if that would make him invisible. "You know Torrance isn't here to protect you now and I doubt Camilla here will do anything." He continued as he approached the car, coming towards Camille's window. A part of her thought he was going to reach in across her and yank Travis right out of the car but that was unrealistic.

"Camille. My name is Camille, you should know that by now Randy... it's not like we've been going to school together since we were five." She spoke softly, trying her best to come across as calm and composed as she possible could even if she didn't feel like either of those things right now. "Is there a reason you need to speak with my Brother? We're kind of on our way somewhere and I don't want to be late." She smiled at him, choosing to act like she hadn't noticed Travis' rather immature piece of art.

"You know exactly what he's done and so does the whole town at this point." Randy frowned at her as he leant through her open window getting a little bit too close for comfort as she gripped her steering wheel. God he reeked, she wasn't even sure what of, it was horrible. "I want to sort this out man to man. No need for you to get involved." He added as she almost gagged. She wished Anika was here, Randy wouldn't have even got out of the car if she had been there.

"You're hardly a man." Javi's voice suddenly piped up from behind Randy making both Travis and Camille laugh ever so slightly. Camille had honestly forgot Javi had been stood there and never in a million years had she thought that he would come to their brothers defence like this, especially when the guy stood in front of him was practically twice his size.

"Great, There's a flex junior." Randy muttered under his breath. That one sentence seemed to awaken something within Travis then suddenly he was barrelling out of the car and practically throwing himself at Randy. Camille could see the fury in his eyes as she watched him throw a punch, hitting the taller boy square in the face. This was no going to end well at all. But Randy had fucked up by speaking ill towards Javi. Travis bullied Javi relentlessly, but it was common knowledge that he was the only person allowed to do that. Anybody else that tried would find themselves in the path of Travis' fury. Before Camille even had a second to breath the two boys were on the ground practically wrestling.

"Don't you dare fucking call him that." Travis yelled at the top of his lungs as he went for another punch, this time going for Randy's stomach. "He's just a kid!" He continued as Randy let out a loud groan before yanking Travis's head back by his hair as they scuffled on the ground. It was quite the sight in all honesty and if it was anybody else Camille probably would have found at least a tiny bit of enjoyment in it. But it wasn't anybody else. It was Travis. She frowned deeply before climbing out of that car, dodging a punch from Randy meant for Travis as she did so.

"Javi. Go find a teacher." She spoke looking over at her younger brother who quite unsurprisingly looked terrified, he had finished school for the day expecting his big sister to take him to their father's pep rally and nothing more. But here they were. "Now!" She said sternly when he made no attempt to move. She knew this could get very messy and she did not want him to see this. Javi nodded before running off back into the school, dropping his backpack on the floor as he did.

A crowd was starting to appear now. Middle school kids and their parents were gathering around watching the two boys fighting, but nobody tried to break it up. The kids just watched in excitement while the parents looked on disapprovingly. It was stupid and at this rate if Javi wasn't quick getting a teacher it was going to end in a hospital trip for at least one of the two fighting boys.

"Travis stop it!" Camille cried out as she grabbed her brother's arm trying to pull him to his feet and away from Randy, but he wasn't having it. "Travis please!" She practically begged as he shook her off of him, continuing to punch and kick at Randy. Surprisingly, despite his smaller stature Travis did seem to be beating Randy. But Camille just knew it wasn't going to last for long and she was desperate to do something before it could change. However Travis was mad, really mad and getting him to drop it was going to be near impossible. Randy just had to use that insult against Javi didn't he?

Luckily Javi and his teacher Mrs Bouttell came bursting through the front doors answering Camille's silent prayers. "Travis Martinez! Randall Walsh!" Mrs Bouttell shouted as she made her way down the front steps of the school and towards the boys. "Let go of each other right now of so help me you will be spending your free time cleaning gum off of our cafeteria tables for the next year." She threatened. Camille wanted to laugh honestly, surely that wasn't going to do anything, she didn't think either boy would care all that much about the threat. But to her surprise they both stopped, pulling away from each other and stumbling to their feet.

"Now. Who wants to tell me what on earth all this is about?" Mrs Bouttell asked as she folded her arms across her chest, looking at the three teenagers expectantly. "I expect better from you three. especially you Camille." She continued as Camille looked down, this wasn't fair. She didn't have anything to do with this. It was all Travis and his stupid vendetta against Randy. She had just wanted to pick Javi up and go to the pep rally to support her friend. "Is nobody going to say anything?" Mrs Bouttell frowned before turning and heading towards the entrance to the school. "Inside now, all of you. I'm calling your parents."

Great. This was not going to end well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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