Chapter 1: The beginning [Violena's POV]

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Life can never always go your way, at least that's what my mom always told me...until she died that is... little old me, 15 years old, not knowing such a big impact would completely change my whole future. My dad and I loved her and did everything we could to save her, but we didn't have the money to get her the treatment. She thought herself as a burden and decided to just live her life until it was her end, dad fought with her over it, and we both secretly saved up money to try and get her the treatment, but it was too late. Every since mom died, dad started drinking, coming home late, becoming friends with the wrong people, and most importantly, bringing us into debt. 

I came home from the local club where I work at, the house empty as usual. I walk upstairs, take a nice warm shower, and change into a tank top and shorts. The shorts were a little small and short- I should really go buy some new clothes. I go into my closet and open a board from the ground and I put in my tip money into a box. I close the board and grab my crocs and jacket and head downstairs to go outside. I don't do much anymore except hang out with Luna [my best friend] most of my time off, especially after I graduated high school , I needed to help my dad... even if he is now an irresponsible drunky, I still care for him. I go outside and start watering the plants as the sun hits the midline point where it turns the sky to a beautiful pink and orange and blue mix. I put on my headphones to listen to some music and to flush out the noise of the pestering neighbors 2 houses down. As I'm watering and taking care of my plants, I get the feeling that I'm being watched, I turn around and notice a car I haven't recognized in the neighborhood. The car was a really nice model, I'm not really educated with my models, but the car was black and sleek and shiny, the windows were tinted and it was the type of car where it was so quiet, you wouldn't have noticed it was behind you. I shrugged the feeling off and finished up. I went back into the house and locked the door. 

I checked the clock and it was 7:45 p.m. I decided to watch some tv on my laptop and fell asleep, that is until I woke up to a ruckus from downstairs. I listened carefully to hear dad and maybe a friend or two? I hear dad coming up from the stairs, and I open the door to peak my head out and I saw him, wasted and groggy. 

"Hey pumpkin!" He said drunkenly. "I want you to meet someone." 

I look behind him to see a man, maybe 5-6 years younger than him. He too, also looked drunk. 

"Hey, cutie." He said. Ew. I thought in my head. 

"Hey Pumpkin, why don't you let him in? My friend over here saw you at the club the other day and thought you were very attractive and he's only 5 years older than you." Dad said. 

I couldn't believe my ears on what he was trying to imply. 

"Hey dad, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask, hesitantly. Dad walks into my room and I close the door behind us. "What is going on? Why did you bring your friend here?"

"Well, Pumpkin, he wants get to know you and be with you and possibly marry you! Haha!" Dad says, with a groggy smile on his face. 

"What??? Dad this isn't like the 15th century! What are you talking about? This is because your drunk. You are out of your mind!" I say, surprised he is even thinking of letting this happen. 

"Look, he says he would give us money, a LOT of money to help save mom." Dad said, in such the most utter and serious tone. 

"Dad...Mom has been dead for 4 years now, she's gone." I say, almost sympathized. 

Then suddenly a hand hit across my face, I gasp with a sting that tingles on my cheek. I look at dad, what I am looking at, wasn't my dad, this man is a different man. 

"You don't know what you are talking about, you brat, she is still here, stop telling me lies! I just checked up on her, sleeping in bed! How dare you say things like that about your mother! Now you either let him in or I'll force you to let him in! I raised you and did everything for you and all you do is sit here and do nothing, not helping me one bit!" He says, enraged. 

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