Chapter 2

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Everyone's eating at the dinner table, except for Merkle, she was chewing on a squirrel squeaky toy while Helen feeds Jack-Jack, she was making faces while doing this.

Dash: Mom. You're making weird faces again.

Helen: Mmm...No, I'm not.

Bob: ( reading the newspaper ) You make weird faces, honey.

Helen: ( to Bob: ) Do you have to read at the table?

Bob: Uh-huh. Yeah.

Merkle: ( thoughts, rolling her eyes at Bob: ) It's either he's reading the paper or he's in his office, Mom.

Merkle then noticed how Dash was eating his steak as Helen spots it.

Helen: Smaller bites, Dash. Yikes! Bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat?

Merkle mentally chuckled, as Bob went over to Dash and cuts a piece of the steak for his son.

Helen: Dash, you have something you wanna tell your father about school?

Merkle: ( her eyes widened ) ( thoughts: ) Oh, great. I bet ten bacon doggy treats that Dad is going to be happy about the powers part of it.

Dash: ( nervously: ) Uh, um, well, we dissected a frog.

Helen: Dash got sent to the office again.

Bob: ( distracted ) Good. Good.

Merkle rolls her eyes at Bob.

Helen: No Bob, that's bad.

Bob: What?

Helen: Dash got sent to the office again.

Bob: What?! What for?

Dash: Nothing.

Helen: He put a tack on the teacher's chair... during class.

Dash: Nobody saw me. You could barely see it on the tape.

Merkle: ( thoughts: ) That's my human brother. Cue Dad being impressed.

Bob: ( To Dash: ) They caught you on tape and you still got away with it? Whoa! You must have been booking. How fast do you think you were going?

Helen: Bob! We are not encouraging this.

Bob: I'm not encouraging, I'm just asking how fast-

Helen: Honey!

Merkle knew by the sound of the plate breaking, that Bob accidentally cut through the plate and table, causing it to collapse.

Bob: Great. First the car, now I gotta pay to fix the table...

Helen: The car?! What happened to the car?

Bob: ( gives his plate to Dash ) Here. I'm getting a new plate.

Bob then leaves angrily, causing Merkle to whined slightly, before Merkle stares at her squeaky toy.

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