Chapter One

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"Hey cow guy! Moo-ve over" Gwen says launching herself towards The Spot that is tangled up in a web that she shot at him.
"That's the best you can do? The Spot says unsatisfied with her joke. As Gwen was about to punch the villain, she hears a familiar voice calling her.
"Gwen!" Gwen looks over to see Miles swing towards her with his web. "I'm her to help."
"Miles?" Gwen says before getting kicked in the face by The Spot.
"Foot in your face! You weren't expecting that were you?" The Spot said.
Gwen started falling to the ground hitting a few objects on the way.
"Oh no." Miles said while going after Gwen.
"Neither was I. I'm in the zone." The Spot said jumping from one hole into another.
Miles swung through the building trying to catch Gwen.
"I got you." Miles said catching Gwen with his web before she hit the ground.
"Did you follow me?" Gwen asked Miles.
"No, I just saw where you went and- went there without you knowing." Miles defending himself.
"You're not supposed to be here." Gwen told Miles.
"What are you talking about I'm having f-" Miles tried to say but then started glitching out making the web that was attached to Gwen snap in half allowing her to start falling again.
"Oh! No no no no no no no! Miles kept saying trying to get Gwen back but Miles ended up hitting a few wire while going down and caused him the fall sloppy.
Just then, before Gwen hit the ground a yo-yo web caught her and Miles and swung them onto a wire that caught them.
"I shouldn't have ever come to see you." Gwen sneered at Miles before leaving him there.
An Indian Spider-Man swung his yo-yo web towards The Spot and hitting him in the head causing him to fall.
The Spider-Man the landed on one arm on top of the roof of were The Spot had just fallen.
"Hey who's the new guy?" He asked Gwen jumping off his hand and landing on his feet.
"Hey Pav." Gwen said landing next to him along with Miles. "He's Miles and he wasn't invited." Gwen glared at Miles.
"You weren't invited and you came anyway." Pav laughed.
"Right!" Gwen agree with Pav.
"Hey, Hey new guy must be in love with you." Pav said lowing himself a little.
"Woah okay." "What no" "No" "No, I'm not" Miles and Gwen said at the same time.
"Oh I'm very good at reading people." Pav said while kept on playing with his yo-yo.
"Who are you?" Miles asked Pav.
"I'm glad you asked new guy." Pav said throwing his yo-yo in the air and catching it with his wrist.
"I'm not a new guy."
"My name is Pavitr Prabhakar and for the past six months-"
"Six? And even he got a watch?" Miles said.
"Yeah uh-" Gwen shaking her head a little.
"Being Spider-Man is so easy." Pav continued. "I wake up, skip the morning work out cause I'm naturally buff and I don't want to get too big, you know? Do almost nothing with my amazing hair."
"You don't use any product at all?" Miles asked.
"Just coconut oil, some genetics." Pav shrugged. "Then I swing by school, don't really have to try but I do anyway. Fight a few bad guys, feed a few street dogs, quick break to have a cup of chai with my auntie-"
"I love chai tea." Miles said.
"What did you just say?" Pav widened his eyes. "Chai tea? Chai means tea bro. You're saying
tea tea. Would I ask you for a coffee coffee with room for cream cream."
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Miles said nervously.
"Then I go over to Lewis's dimension to hang out with her. Oh she is so beautiful. The best Spider-woman I ever met too."
"Ahem." Gwen coughed.
"Oh sorry Gwen." Pav smiled.
"Wait Lewis? Is he talking about the Lewis from last year?" Miles asked Gwen.
"Yeah her." She responded.
"You know her?" Pav asked.
"Yeah she's my best friend I met her last year." Miles said.
"Well that can't be possible cause I'm her best friend." Pav said folding his arms.
"Ok whatever you say." Miles put up his hands surrendering. "So you say she's beautiful huh. Do you like her." Miles asked.
Pav's face went to an instant blush and widening his eyes.
"What who said anything about me liking her. I just think she's pretty. That's all." Pav said nervously.
"Uh huh." Miles raised his eyebrow.
"Moving on!" Pav shouted. "Then I hang out with my other best friend Gayatri. Her dad doesn't really like me though. And to top it off, I live in the best possible Spider-Man city, Mumbai."
"This is where the traffic is. This is where the traffic is. This is also where the traffic is. There's traffic here too. And this is where the British stole of our stuff-" Pav showed them where the traffic is before getting almost getting hit by one of The Spot's spots.
(Skip to after the fight and Hobie comes to help them and Mile saving Gayatri's dad and little sister.)
Everyone one cheering for the four of them after they have saved their lives. Then an area of the city started to glitch out and form a black hole.
"Guys, what's that?" Pav asked.
A few moments later Jessica Drew came along with a group of other Spider-Men.
"Hey I'm Miles." Miles approached Jess. "We actually met before, when I was invisible." Jess walked right pass Miles and towards the black hole.
"I know who you are." She said.
"Is everything going to be okay?" Pav worriedly asked.
The group Jess brought lowered themselves closer to the black hole to clear it up.
"Okay let me explain-" Gwen said to Jess.
"Miguel wants you to go after The Spot. He's made his way towards Lewis's dimension. She can't fight him alone. Miguel wants all four of you to go there while we clean up here." Jess ordered the four "Lewis is in trouble?" Pav asked. "But Miles-" Gwen tried to speak but was cut off by Jess again. "Here." Jess handed Miles a blue wrist band. "I get my own watch?!" Miles said excited. "No, it's a day pass. You're gonna need it for when you helping them fight with Lewis and when you see Miguel." She said then going back into the ship she came from.
"Come on we got to help Lewis." Pav said opening a portal to Lewis's dimension.
"I don't take orders but I'm only doing this because with out me, Lewis will die." Hobie said going into the portal.
"Come on you two, hurry." Pav said.
"Ok calm down Pav I'm sure Lewis is fine. She's strong enough to fight for herself for a little bit while we come and help her." Gwen said going into the portal with Miles following behind her. Pav then quickly ran into the portal after them.

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