Chapter Three

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Lewis tumbled into the build landing on her back. As she got up Gwen came out of the hole and landed on top of Lewis.
"Ow Gwen." Lewis rubbed her head.
"Sorry." Gwen got off of Lewis.
The two got up and started walking around the building looking for The Spot.
They jumped and turned around hearing the noise of something crashing. The guys had come out of the hole and enter into the building falling on top of each other.
"Could you get off of me man." Hobie said to Miles.
"Oh yeah sorry."
"Ow Miles, you're on my arm." Pav said.
"Oh sorry sorry."
"Ow Hobie you stepped on my foot." Pav said.
Hobie just shrugged and took his foot off of Pav.
Gwen and Lewis looked at each other and rolled their eyes.
Gwen and Lewis continued to look around for The Spot.
The two heard a noise coming from one of the lab rooms.
They got closer to the noise and saw The Spot rummaging threw stuff through a big glass window on the side of the room.
Lewis tried to open the door but it didn't open. She saw that the door was made out of a material she had never seen before.
"What the hell is this door made out of?"
Miles came to the door and put his hands against the door.
"Stand back Lewis." Miles said.
"Remember Miles, use you hold hand not just your fingers." Hobie said.
"Yeah yeah I got this."
Miles then started to charge up electricity with his hands and soon enough blew up the door.
"Damn Miles." Lewis said impressed.
"Whoa." Miles said amazed with himself.
"Told yeah." Hobie said walking into the lab.
It was too late though, The Spot had already managed to charge his spots with energy he got from something. Now The Spot is covered in all black with little white spots now.
"Finally. I'm gonna take everything from you. Like you took everything from me. See you back home." The Spot said to Miles before making a huge hole and going into it closing afterwards. The building started to shake and then started to collapse. Miles just sat there looking at where The Spot had left from.
"Miles come on!" Gwen said pulling Miles to the exit. Everyone else already had started leaving.
They all came out side and saw the building falling apart and pieces of the building falling to the ground almost smashing people. The side of the building began to break off the feast of the building and fall to the ground.
"You guys clear the people down there and we by you time by holding the building up." Miles instructed everyone.
"I'll do it, but not because you told me though." Hobie said dropping down to get the people out of the way.
Lewis stayed with Miles and Gwen while Pav and Hobie went to save the people from getting crushed.
Lewis, Miles and Gwen shot their webs at the building and pulling the piece of the building back up.
Pav used his yo-yo to grab a bunch of people and swung them out of the way. Hobie was on the ground grabbing a bunch of kids and carrying them out of the way.
Lewis, Miles and Gwen couldn't stop the building and their webs broke.
"Nobody is underneath. Let's go." Gwen said.
"Alright then." Lewis said.
Gwen then saw on her watch saying there's an upcoming cannon event.
Lewis, Miles and Gwen swung to the ground while Pav and Hobie ran towards the three.
"Is everyone out of the way?" Lewis asked.
"Yes everyone is safe." Pav said.
The five started to run out of the way when Lewis heard someone calling her name.
Lewis turned around to see her brother and little girl. The little girl's leg was trapped under a piece of the building.
"DONNIE!" Lewis yelled running towards her brother but Lewis was meters away from him and would take a while to get to him by running. She tried to shoot a web towards her brother to grab him and the little girl but she ran out of web fluid.
"Shit!" Lewis said running faster. "I'm coming brother!"
Miles was about the shoot a web towards her brother but Gwen stopped him.
"No Miles."
"But Lewis-"
"No, trust me."
"But Gwen, her brother is in trouble." Pav said about to run after Lewis.
"No Pav! It's a cannon event." Gwen said.
"So?!" Pav yelled.
"So, we can't mess with cannon events. Miguel is gonna kill us if we do and the same thing could happen here that happened in your dimension" Gwen said.
"I know but we can't do anything." Gwen said upset.
"That's messed up." Hobie said.
"It has to be done." Gwen said.
"What the hell is a cannon event?" Miles asked.
"Miguel will explain to you when we see him." Gwen said.
Lewis continued to run after her brother. Donnie struggled to get the piece of concrete off the girl but eventually got it off. More pieces were falling of the building and onto the ground. An extremely large piece was about to fall on top of the two. The piece of concrete was coming down fast and it was too late for them to run out of the way.
Donnie panicked and picked up the girl and threw her onto some grass nearby.
"DONNIE!!!" Lewis screamed.
Seconds later the concrete landed on the boy crushing him.
Lewis stopped in her tracks.
"NOOOO!!" She screamed.
She began to run again. She got to her brother and started to lift up the concrete off of him.
She got it off of him and looked at him.
His eyes were closed and his body was full of blood. His arms have been crushed and now has bruises all over is body. Blood was splattered everywhere.
"DONNIE! DONNIE WAKE UP! DONNIE PLEASE NO! PLEASE DONNIE DON'T DO THIS TO ME! DONNIE!" Lewis cried to her brother. Lewis picked up her brothers head and sat his head on her lap and held his hand while caressing his head with her other hand.
"No Donnie." Lewis said dropping tears on her brothers face. "Why?"
Pav ran fast towards Lewis and slid on his knees next to her. He looked at her brother than looking at her seeing her crying her eyes out while holding her brother's lifeless body.
"Oh Lewis, I'm so sorry." Pav said putting his arm around her shoulder.
"He's gone Pav. What am I supposed to do." Lewis looked at Pav.
"Don't worry. Everything is gonna be okay." Pav rubbed Lewis's shoulder.
Lewis took off her mask and threw it on the ground aggressively.
"I hate this fucking Spider-Man shit!" Lewis yelled and started crying harder. "None of this would have happen if I wasn't Spider-Woman." Lewis held her brothers hand up against her forehead. "Vergib mir, Bruder." Said to her brother. (Forgive me brother)
"This is all my fault." Lewis said lowering her brothers hens back onto his chest and lowering her head.
"No Lewis, it's my fault. I should have made sure everyone was out of the way." Pav said lifting her head back up with his hand.
"No, Pav, don't blame yourself. I promise it wasn't on you. I should have checked to make sure nobody was left behind." Lewis looked at him with tears in her eyes.
The other three made there way over to them after making sure everyone was okay.
"I'm so sorry Lewis, I wish I could have done something." Miles said lowering next to her.
"It's okay." Lewis said.
Almost the whole town had come gathering around  the Spider-men looking at the group.
"Is that Donnie?" Lewis and Donnie's bully said.
"Lewis is- Spider-Man?" Another girl said. "I thought Spider-Man was a man."
Jess came a few seconds later in her ship thingy along with a group of Spider-people.
"Alright let's get this place clean up." Jess said. The Spider-people started to clean up the building's remains and other destruction that was made.
Jess walked over to Lewis.
"Come Lewis, we must go. They will take care of Donnie for you."
A few Spider-Woman lifted Donnie onto a gurney and rolled him into an ambulance which then drove off. Lewis stared into the direction that the ambulance went.
Pav came up behind her and hugged her from behind.
Lewis turned to face him and hugged him tightly and cried into his chest. Pav put his hand on the back of her head and his other on her back rubbing her back.
"It's gonna be okay." Pav said resting his head on her shoulder.
"Come on you two. Miguel wants to see all of
you." Jess said.
The two let go of each other, Lewis reached down to grab her mask and put it back on and then walked with Jess to the ship with Gwen, Hobie and Miles following behind.
Jess looked back at Lewis seeing Lewis looking at the ground and her eyes red and still full of tears holding onto Pav's hand.
"I know, it's hard Lewis, but it happens to everyone eventually." Jess said looking forward again.
"I know, but why so soon, I lost my best friend, my  twin brother."
"I know, I know." Jess said quietly.
They then took off to go see Miguel.
Pav hugged Lewis and held her to his chest while she quietly sobbed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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