Chapter Two

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When the four of them got out of the portal, they entered into Lewis's bedroom.
"She's not in here." Pav said looking around Lewis's apartment in distressed. "Do you think she's already fighting him?"
"Possibly but I'm sure she's fine." Gwen said.
"Okay then. Let's go find her." Pav said jumping out her window.
The rest of them followed behind him. They jumped from building to building trying to find Lewis and The Spot but they couldn't find them. Miles was looking around at all the buildings and cars and notice that they're not modern at all.
"Hey guys, what's with the old fashion cars?" Miles asked.
"What do you mean?" Pav asked.
"Like, why is nothing modern here."
"Because this is the 80s, lad." Hobie said.
"What? Lewis never told me she's from the 80s."
"Yes she di-" Gwen began to say but then got hit by a wire and started falling to the ground again.
"Oh no Gwen!" Miles said swing himself down to her. "No I'm not gonna make it!" Miles said shooting a web towards Gwen but then missing her. Gwen was about to hit the ground but then a black 1967 mustang drove in the aisle where Gwen was gonna land, as soon as the car got close enough to Gwen, a web shot out of it and caught her swinging her into the car's passenger seat while the car kept moving.
"Lewis!" Pav cheered.
"Whoohoo! Jeez Gwen almost fell to your death there huh." Lewis laughed.
"Yeah thanks Lewis." Gwen thanked Lewis.
"No problem." Lewis said stepping on the gas pedal making them go way faster then the speed limit.
"Um Lewis?" Gwen asked.
"Aren't you too young to be driving?"
"AND WASN'T THAT A STOP SIGN!?" Gwen yelled.
"Uh no."
"Don't worry, I know how to drive."
"Then why are you going so damn fast!?"
"Because, Gwen, there is this weird looking guy that is all white and has black spots all over it and I need to catch up to him and this is faster then me swinging around."
"Is this car supposed to go this fast?"
"I have no idea but my brother added a sort of boost thingy that makes it go faster but I'm not sure if it's safe. The car right now is going really fast so I might loose control of it but I promise we'll be fine."
"Um okay. The villain though is called The Spot. He is trying to gain the ability to open
Inter-dimensional portals to ruin Miles and gain more power."
"Miles? What does he want with Morales?" Lewis asked looking at Gwen.
"Eyes on the road!" Lewis quickly turned her head back to the road. "And I guess Miles ruined his life and is now wanting to destroy Mile's life."
"Hmm okay."
"I thought Miguel already told you this."
"He did but I saw a butterfly so I left the meeting with no clue of what he said."
"Of course." Gwen rolled her eyes.
"Sorry but I got it now."
"There he is." Gwen pointed to The Spot as he was appearing out of one of his holes.
Lewis swerved and stopped the car. The two got out and followed The Spot as he was now jumping around into different holes. Gwen and Lewis swung their way through the buildings catching up with The Spot only a couple feet behind him.
"What are you?" You look like a mutant cow." Lewis said.
"Gosh why does everybody keep calling me a cow?" The Spot said to himself.
"Cause you look like one. Did you fall into some ooze like the turtles. Do you know that comic? It just came out like a few years ago. It's called Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtles. If you don't then it's about these four turtles that are brothers and they get mutated by this ooze and they are being trained by this rat and-" Lewis rambled before getting cut off be The Spot.
"Do you always talk this much while chasing villains?" He asked looking back to look at her.
"Yeah of course! It distracts them. Like now."
The Spot was confused what she meant but then he ran into the side of a building. Gwen laughed a little a this.
"See!" Lewis said landing next to The Spot with Gwen.
The Spot then created a hole on the building which then sucked him into it and making him and the hole disappear.
"Hey where'd you go?" Lewis said looking around where The Spot had disappeared.
Lewis turned around to see Pav, Hobie and-MILES?.
Lewis swung to the top of the building and not seconds later Pav crashed into her pulling her into a hug. "Lewis are you okay? I was worried something could have happened to you." Pav said checking Lewis for injuries.
"I'm fine but what is Morales doing here?" Lewis asked.
"I told you The Spot is after him." Gwen said.
"Yeah but I didn't expect him to be here. I thought he was in his dimension. How'd he get here anyway." Lewis asked.
"Oh he followed Gwen from his dimension into my dimension and now he has to follow us around." Pav said.
"Oh okay."
Hobie and Miles then landed on the building next to Lewis and Pav.
"Morales!" Lewis ran towards him pulling him into a hug. "Morales man, how've you been."
"Lewis! I'm good but It's been lonely without you guys around."
"Yeah same, I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you too. Say Lewis, how come you never told me that you came from the 80s!" Miles asked separating the hug.
"What did you mean? I told you when I introduced my self last year."


"Who are you?" Peter B. Parker asked.
"I'm Lewis, I came from another dimension."
"Huh?" Miles asked.

"Alright let's do this one last time, hopefully. My name is Lewis Schneider. I came from New York City, the year 1984, and there I got bitten by a radioactive spider at age 12 and for the last 2 years I have been the worlds one and only Spider-Woman. You probably know the rest. Saved the city, got bullied at school, saved the city again, learned how to built go karts with my brother, broke my arm and two legs falling from off building, saved the city so more, punched a kid in the face, and I've only ever told my brother that I am Spider-Woman. I don't have any friends but who needs friends when you've got a twin brother who also doesn't have any friends. One day while I was fighting a weird ass villain, this weird thing happened, now I gotta say I've experienced a lot of weird things but this, this was real weird. I was in New York but not my New York. Apparently, there was a Spider-Man here but he died recently, possibly by the thing that brought me here. I didn't know where else to go but my Aunt May's house. Turns out other Spider-people thought the same and came here too."

(Flashback over)

"Ring a bell." Lewis asked Miles.
"Oh yeah now I remember." Miles said nodding his head.
"Yeah well, welcome to the 80s Morales. Best decade of all. Now help me with polka dots over here." Lewis said before swinging towards The Spot.
"Oh yeah right." Miles said swinging after Lewis.
The rest of the group swung after the two, The Spot was jumping from one hole to another heading over to the science lab.
"I have to charge my power a little bit more, then I'll be the strongest villain Miles faced." The Spot said to himself creating a hole to go into the science lab.
Lewis followed The Spot into his hole along with the others and went inside.

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