medical help

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last night me and my friends had a sleepover at mine and tara's.we needed some kind of distraction. ethan ended up sleeping in my room.
i wake up to see that ethan isn't there. i hear sone loud rambling in the kitchen, "fuck!" someone screams.
i run to the kitchen. i see ethan laying on the floor holding his hand. chad runs in next. then tara, then mindy and anika, then sam.
"god-god fucking damnit." he looks down at his hand, "son of a bitch!" he winces in pain. i sit on the floor and grab his hand, it's all cut.
"what happened?" i ask.
"i-i broke the glass pan on accident." he says. "i'm so sorry." he squeezes his eyes shut.
"it's okay, it's okay."
"um it's not okay, he broke one of the fucking pans and his hand is bleeding out, how the fuck is any of this okay?" sam asks.
"his hand looks burnt, and i see glass in it." tara says. that reminds me.
"chad, you use to go to my medical classes with me, we could get the glass out and help his hand." i say.
"what?! no!"
"stop fucking yelling!" ethan yells out. chad looks at him.
"i'll do it." he looks at me.


after we got all the supplies we needed, i sat on the couch and put ethan's head in my lap.
"okay so ethan, this is gonna hurt. like a lot. i'm gonna do this as gently as i can." chad tells ethan.
"i'm gonna make sure this doesn't hurt."
"okay." he looks up at me and gives chad his hand. i hold his other hand. i cover his mouth with my other hand.
"okay, three, two, one!" he rips out one of the shards in ethan's hand.
ethan screams into my hand. "chad careful, you're gonna fucking hurt him."
"okay well slow and steady doesn't win the race for me" he tells us.
he rips out another shard. ethan starts crying into my hand. he tries to move his hand to stop chad. i have to hold it down.
i take my hand off of his mouth, "it hurts~" he whines.
"one last shard to go, okay?" i kiss his head.
"are you guys dating? cause you both make a really cute couple." chad rips out the last shard.
"fuck!!" ethan screams out. he starts coughing on his tears.
"it's okay," i pull him up and hold his head to my chest, "your okay."
"oh we're not done yet. we still have to disinfect, then we have to fix the burn." chad says.
"can't y/n do it~?" ethan cries.
"i'm just the sexy nurse who's gonna comfort you." i tell him. he cries into my chest.
"so are we get disinfected or infected?" chad asks.
"disinfecting." i rub his head.
"well okay then." he holds ethan's hand in place and starts disinfecting.
"no no no, stop~ stop please." ethan begs. chad stops. "i-i need a distraction."
"like what?" chad asks.
"chad, start disinfecting again." i quickly say. chad starts disinfecting again and i kiss ethan. he groans into the kiss.
"okay. done." i stop kissing ethan. "ethan does your hand burn?" he asks.
"not anymore."
"okay, you're doing great buddy." he pulls out a surgical needle and surgical thread.
"ethan, don't look behind you, okay?" i look at him.
"why? what's going on-"
"kiss attack!" i kiss him again. chad starts stitching up his hand. ethan's crying into the kiss. i let go of his hands and hold the side of his face.
once chad is done i pull away. "please, please let y/n do the next thing." he begs.
"i'll do the next thing." i say. chad hands me the wrap. "can i see your hand?" i ask. he gives me his hand.
"please be gentle." he pleads.
"don't worry, this parts the fun part. it won't hurt." i start wrapping it. once i finish i kiss it. i look up at him and smile. "all done."
he hugs me. "okay well, good method, y/n. but like, you guys should seriously date." chad says. "it would make sense."
"we'll see." i say.

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