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I use a Caliber spiral bound notebook to keep my story notes in, and because this story is an interactive WWYFF/WWFFY, I decided to dedicate an entire journal specifically for this story. It also helps that it is divided into five sections with forty sheets per section so I can keep it further organized. This is the index I'm using so you guys can look forward to the kind of information that will be posted. Granted, I won't post everything in the index online because I want to keep some things a surprise for when I get to the story, but I am posting it just to let you guys see my thought process behind how I organize the story.

Regular text is stuff that will be or is already in this online encyclopedia.

Anything with "*" before the text is stuff that won't be in this online encyclopedia.


Class Schedules

Basic Zodi Academy's Universal Rules

Zodi Academy's Dress Code

Basic Zodi Academy's Rules

Class Index

The Reader's Class Schedule

* Astrological Art

* Astrology - Mesopotamian

* - Western and Hindu

* - Chinese

* - Mesoamerican

* Astronomy - Basics

* - Practice

* Birth Charts - Basics

* - Standard Natal Chart

* - Vedic Natal Chart

* Calendars

* Constellations - History Part 1

* - History Part 2

* - Mythology Part 1

* - Mythology Part 2

* Horoscope

* Medical Astrology - History

* - Vedic History

* - Practice

* Numerology and Pronology

* Psycho Astrology - Introduction

* - Personality

* - Relationships

Zodiac - Aries

- Taurus

- Gemini

- Cancer

- Leo

- Virgo

- Libra

- Scorpio

- Sagittarius

- Capricorn

- Aquarius

- Pisces


Founder: Lage Corina Njord

Principal: Oisin Jenkin

Vice Principal: Faline Hamid

Secretary: Fakih Yazid

Counselor #1: Wade Sigehere

Counselor #2: Ulla Ledyard

The Star Gods EncyclopediaWhere stories live. Discover now