Avoidable Mistakes 1

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This chapter is going to show what would happen if one died,enjoyed

Taylor's death

It's been a few weeks after he was killed by his power it was taking a few weeks for him to come back which had Chu-Chu absolutely devastated not knowing if he was ever coming back

Chu-Chu was mad and sad they didnt want to admit to their self that he was gone they wanted to have hope he would come back but the hope slimmed down

1 week into 3
3 weeks into a month
1 month into 3

They thought it was all their fault everyday they woke up but it eventually led them to trying to take their own life although no matter how much they tried they couldn't die they would come back new

Over time Chu-Chu became less sad and more angry not at their self but at everyone? They were alone,sad and frustrated they wanted to hurt anyone And everyone they could

They got sick and tired of waiting around for him to come back knowing he wouldn't they felt like hurting someone the same way they hurt him

They aren't mad at the world they were mad because they missed him..they thought he wasn't ever going to die he was the only person that they loved more than life itself Chu-Chu slowly realized it wasn't anyone else it was their self and their refusal of moving on

"Not anyone else...me I'm the fool" Chu-Chu broke down crying in their room and after a few minutes of crying and sobbing they felt a hand on their shoulder

She looked back and there was their father "dad.." she said as they were shaking like crazy, she jumped into his arms


"Finally..what we once had is finally back.."

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