willing, m/a, naga

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(Naga pred, human prey, fatal)

Sticks had fallen asleep before the film was over, their head nestled against Almond's chest. He wasn't sure whether to wake them. Perhaps it would be easier for them like this- but no. He would ask, same as always. They had consistently seemed certain of their decision but he still had to check.

He put a hand on their shoulder, gently stroking them as they woke up. They blinked and looked around them. The glasses they wore were askew.
"Did I fall asleep?" they asked, meeting their boyfriend's eyes as they pushed the glasses back up their face.

"Yeah. The ending was probably what you'd expect though- they discovered the bad guy's plan and got together," he replied. It took a minute for Sticks to remember their agreement.

"I guess it's time now," they said, sounding a little nervous. Almond was glad he woke them up.
"Yeah. You ready? Sure you wanna go through with this?"

The human smiled, and reached up to kiss him.
"Yeah," they said, and leaned in.

After a while Almond pulled away. He stayed looking at their face for a moment. They looked beautiful to him then, and he would miss them, but he appreciated what they were doing for him. What they were giving up.

Sticks removed their glasses, placing them on the table, and turned to their boyfriend again. Their voice was still unsure as they turned towards him.
"Do you want me to take my clothes off?"

"Sticks-" he took their hands. "This is your- you deserve to make the decisions."
They smiled at him, a little more confident in themself now.
"I don't mind, really," they replied. "It's your meal. Would you prefer it one way or the other?"

Almond was so, so grateful for this perfect person that had stumbled into his life. They were exactly who he'd been looking for.
"I suppose..." he relented, "I would prefer you to be wearing... less. If you're ok with that."

They grinned at him, and stripped off there on the sofa. They stopped when they just wore their binder and underwear.
"Do you mind if I keep these on?" they asked, suddenly shy.

"Of course not. You ready?"

They sat up straighter, apprehensive but still willing.
"... yeah. Do you need me to do anything?" they replied cautiously.

Almond smiled at them. He looked incredibly human in that moment, though Sticks knew he was anything but.
"Just lie down. Put your feet towards me," he answered, thankful for their complacency. He hoped they wouldn't change their mind.

Sticks did as he asked, lying face up on the cushions. Almond started to coil his tail around their small body.
"Don't worry," he told his partner, careful not to scare them, "this is just for a better grip. If you want me to stop I'll let you go."
They nodded, trying not to look worried about the strong scaly grip they found themself in.

Almond took Sticks' bare feet in his hands.
"I'm gonna start here," he told them, voice calm and reassuring, "so you have more time to tell me if you want me to stop. If you change your mind, please, please, let me know."

"I will," they replied, having suddenly found their voice.
"I'm ready."

Almond smiled at them one last time.
"Thank you for this. Honestly, it means so much to me. Thank you," he said, and then lifted their feet to his mouth. It wasn't open too much wider than a human's would be as he slipped their toes between his lips.

Sticks tried not to cringe at the uncomfortable sensation. Almond gripped their ankles as he held their feet together, putting them fully in his mouth. He took the first swallow. Their toes were pulled into his throat, and he moved his hands a little up their legs.

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