Voldemort's Diary

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A few days passed and it became clear Harry, Ron and Hermione were also curious about the Chamber of Secrets. One day, Draco came running to me and said he had something to tell me in the library. As I sat down, Draco began to laugh.
"What is it?" I frowned, expecting it to be something serious.
"Those three are so stupid!" He giggled, confusing me further.
"Harry, Ron and Hermione!" Draco explained, "They've obviously been brewing polyjuice potions to talk to me."
"Polyjuice?" I questioned, I'd never heard of it.
"It's a potion you use to turn yourself into someone else. You put the hair of the person you want to turn into in it. It's disgusting." Draco spoke, now whispering so others around us couldn't hear.
"So what happened?" I asked, wanting to now know.
"Well, I ran into them, but they used the potion to turn into Crabbe and Goyle." He told me.
"How could you tell?"
"Well, Crabbe sounded like Ron and Goyle was wearing Potter's glasses." Draco giggled, "and as for Granger, I heard she turned into a cat. She obviously took the wrong hair. She's in the hospital coughing up fur balls."
This made me laugh, as much as I hate to admit it. I thought she was smart enough to know the difference between cat hair and human hair.

"Anyways, we got to the common room and it was clear they weren't Crabbe and Goyle. They just stood there instead of sitting down. I thought I'd double check and insulted the Weasleys cause that Percy told us off for being in the corridor late. Crabbe's fist was clenched hard so I knew that one was Ron. Then I insulted Dumbledore and Goyle shouted that I was wrong and that Harry was worse so I'm sure he was Harry."
"So what did they say?"
"They asked if I knew who the heir of Slytherin is." Draco shrugged, "I couldn't tell them, because they'd be suspicious that I know. I just told them that it's been 50 years since the chamber was last opened and that a muggle born had died. I will admit to annoy them some more, I said I hoped this time it was Granger."
"Draco!" I exclaimed, "you can't say stuff like that!"
"I know." Draco giggled, "I just couldn't resist. Ron went for me and Harry had to hold him back. Then they ran off. I'm assuming the potion was wearing off."
"Well, at least they got some information out of you." I smiled, satisfied with his work.

The next day, I was walking through the halls to discover water flooding the floor. I traced it to Myrtle's bathroom and surely enough, when I went in it was filling with water as the ghost cried in the air.
"What's happened?" I frowned, the girl turning to me, seeming surprised I'd come back.
"Someone threw a book at my head!" She sobbed, making me feel sorrow for the girl.
"That's awful," I frowned, "do you know who it was."
"No," she sighed, "I didn't see them. I was just minding my own business when this filthy, black book fell out of the top of my head."
My heart sunk with realisation. Voldemort's diary was thrown at Myrtle.
"Where's the book now?" I quickly asked, the girl turning to me once more.
"Harry Potter and his friend came in and took it." She frowned, before crying once more. With this, I rushed out of the bathroom. Harry had Voldemort's diary!

I soon found Draco in the Great Hall playing wizard's chess with Goyle, Crabbe sat besides the two eating something, as usual. I quickly grabbed the boy and pulled him out of the room. I could hear his friends giggling as I did so but I didn't care, this was important! I soon found a quiet corridor which no one really used. I gently pushed Draco to the wall which caused him to give me a smile and place his arms around my waist. He began to lean into me but I pulled away. As happy as it would make me to finally kiss Draco, I really didn't have time.
"What are you doing?" I asked sternly, the boy's hands slowly dropping from my waist as his smile disappeared.
"I'm so sorry," he quickly spluttered, "I thought you were-"
"Draco." I stopped him, I also didn't have time for his apologies, "Harry has Voldemort's diary."
He paused, his eyes widening with the news and I could sense the panic on his face as he quickly tapped my arm and pulled me away from the corridor.
"We need to get that diary, now!" He ordered, to which he rushed to the Gryffindor common rooms.

Millie was there, thankfully and let us in as well as letting us into Harry's dorm. Luckily, Seth (who was studying with some other students in the library) shared a dorm with Harry which gave us an excuse to go in. I stood outside the room as Draco ran in to search the place. Millie had gone off to do something which left me alone to keep watch.
"And you are?" I heard a voice speak from behind me. I turned to see a Gryffindor girl stood, arms folded and glaring at me. Of course, I knew I looked suspicious being a Hufflepuff guarding a Slytherin in Harry Potter's common room, however I hadn't planned on what to do if I was caught. The girl was around the same size as me with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was very pretty, but had a stern look plastered on her face. That's when she noticed Draco coming out of Harry's dorm, her eyes widening as she looked the boy up and down.
"Why was he in a Gryffindor dormitory?" She ordered, pointing to Draco. I turned to see Millie walking back over, attempting to calm the girl down.
"Relax, Alexa." She smiled, "these are my friends. Draco is just looking for something he lent Seth. What was it exactly?"
Draco turned to me, pain buried in his eyes
"It doesn't matter it's not there." He spoke, before storming out of the common room.
"Sorry about that, he's just stressing out." I apologised, that's when I remembered Draco had leant Seth a book on potions at Christmas, "it's just a potion book he really needs for Snape's class."
"Oh, that!" Millie nodded, "it should be in there. I'll get Seth to check when he gets back. Funnily enough, he's actually in the library studying with Alexa's brother right now."
"Oh really?" I smiled, the girl nodding, "I'm Maiya by the way."
"Alexa Wilson." The girl replied, cautiously shaking my hand.
"She's a first year," Millie informed me, "her brother, Elton, is a second year."
"Is your brother in Gryffindor, too?" I asked Alexa, the girl shaking her head.
"Ravenclaw." I nodded and decided I'd better go and find Draco. I quickly said good bye and ran off.

I soon found the boy at the library, him being sat at one of the tables with his head resting in his hands.
"Ginny must have gotten it back." He sighed as I sat myself in front of him.
"I should've looked in her dorm!" I groaned, feeling stupid that I hadn't, "why would she throw it away and then take it back again?"
"I don't know." Draco shook his head, seeming very disappointed in himself, "there's no point checking her dorm, if she's being controlled by Voldemort then she won't be stupid enough to leave it lying around. It'll be on her at all times."

We decided to leave it for the day and discuss it again tomorrow as we had both grown quite tired. On our way out from the library, I noticed Seth and a Ravenclaw boy sat talking, school books lying in front of them. You could tell he was Alexa's brother with the similar blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I smiled and wandered over to the two, Seth noticing me and grinning as I did so.
"Do you have the potions book Draco gave you?" I asked, having told Draco before I went over to play along.
"It should be in my dorm, why?" Seth frowned, both him and the other boy turning to me.
"Just we went to look for it in the Gryffindor common room and it wasn't there and he needs it for a class. Millie said she'd let you know." I smiled, the boy nodding and turning to Draco.
"I'll look for it tonight and give you it tomorrow at breakfast." He told him, Draco nodding with a smile on his face as he realised I'd gotten us away with it. I then turned to Elton, who was sat smiling at me.
"You must be Elton." I spoke, the boy nodding cautiously, "I just met your sister in the common room. She's very... fierce."
"That's one word for her." He laughed, "but yes I am. Elton Wilson. And you are?"
"Maiya." I smiled, before turning to the boy stood besides me, "and this is Draco."
"Oh, I've heard about you two." Elton smirked, myself and Draco curious as to what this meant. Nevertheless, we said our goodbyes and headed off to our common rooms for the night.

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