The Fraud

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Harry and Ron quickly turned to face us before turning back to the beast.
"They're also friends of Hagrid." Harry stuttered, the spider seeming to let out a low growl.
"I'm so sorry that we interrupted, we'll just go." I quickly spoke, already dragging Draco backwards since the information I had heard the creature speak before it noticed me was that it was not the chamber's monster, which wasn't any news to me. Without giving the spider a chance to speak, I quickly took off, Draco sprinting behind me to catch up. As we did so, I noticed something in the distance which stopped me in my tracks. It was a hoard of spider coming towards us. Although no where near as big as that one talking to Harry, these spiders were very big and we knew we couldn't outrun them. That's when I noticed another path leading to the left of the spiders and quickly pulled Draco towards it.

Of course, the spiders followed after us. Obviously, they were quite far behind and Draco and I were luckily quite quick runners when we wanted to be therefore we had faith that we could get rid of these creatures in time. However, one spider was a lot quicker than the others and quickly gained speed, jumping onto Draco and latching onto him as tight as it could. This caused Draco to fall to the floor as the spider clung to his back. Looking behind him, I noticed the gang of them gaining closer and knew I had to act quickly. I swiftly pulled out my wand and aimed it towards the spider which was thankfully just covering Draco to the point where I was confident I wouldn't hit him with my spell.
"Expelliarmus!" I yelled, sending the spider flying backwards through the air and luckily landing on some of the group which had been chasing us. Of course, some of them still continued on to which I quickly grabbed onto Draco's hand and pulled him to his feet. We turned to the four gaining speed and knew we couldn't outrun them.
"Arania Eximay!" I shouted, sending the leader of the pack flying into one.
"Stupefy!" Draco cast, myself looking to the boy who pointed the wand towards the group of spiders. Only one remaining.
"Expelliarmus!" I called, the final spider flying back and leading us to get out of the Forrest, safely.

As soon as we did, Draco pulled us into Hagrid's hut and wrapped his arms around me.
"You saved my life." He smiled, hugging me even tighter to which I smiled softly.
"You'd have done the same for me." I spoke, before pulling away with a sigh of relief. I quickly took hold of Harry's cloak and tossed it to Draco.
"Let's sneak back in before anyone notices we're gone." I told the boy, him nodding and throwing it around himself and I. We hoped Harry and Ron would be okay since they still hadn't left, however we had no intention of going back in there.

Instead, we arrived at the castle and began walking the corridor to our common rooms when an announcement stopped us in our tracks.
"All students are to report to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor, immediately."
With a quick glance to one another, we made our way to the corridor, eventually running into Harry and Ron who were watching the scene. We didn't let the two know that we saw them, however, simply watched what was happening in silence.

Looking behind the professors, my heart sank as I looked upon the blood-written message on the wall.
"Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever?" Draco whispered, my eyes welling with tears.
"Ginny..." I muttered, turning to Ron who seemed to have no idea.
"Weren't you saying just last week that you've known exactly where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was?" Snape then asked Gilderoy, who's face dropped at the question. The man was sent to his office to prepare, Draco and I knowing this wasn't good. We quietly snuck past Harry, Ron and the professors and followed Lockhart to his office.

Upon entering, I took off the cloak and handed it to Draco, who tied it into his belt securely.
"There's no way he's going down there alone." I told the boy as we walked up the stairs.
"Maiya," Draco spoke, "there's no way he knows where it is."
That's when we entered the office and saw suitcases and bags laying everywhere, the man rushing to pack them. His eyes widened as he froze in palace when locking eyes with me, my eyes narrowing.
"Going somewhere?" I frowned, the man straightening himself up and I could sense he was panicking.
"Yes," he spoke, "urgent business call, can't delay-"
"More urgent than a girl on the verge of death in a hidden chamber?" I snapped, "surely a chamber is nothing compared to everything you've done in your books!"
"Books can be misleading..." he returned, his eyes refusing to meet mine.
"You wrote them!" I shrieked, causing the man to slam down another brief case
"Don't you get it, you stupid girl!" He snapped and I noticed Draco immediately grab his wand just in case, "my books wouldn't have done half as well if people didn't think I'd done all of those things!"
My eyes widened, it now all made sense to me why he was so useless! Draco glanced to me, hand still firmly holding his wand.
"So what? You've just been taking credit for what other wizards have done?" I cried, laughing at the stupidity of this situation, "how have you gotten away with this? How has no one caught you?"
"Well," the man smirked, edging closer to us, "I am rather gifted at memory charms otherwise all of those wizards would've blabbed and I never would have sold another book! I'm afraid I'm going to have to do the same to y-"
He had began to pull out his wand, but a spell was cast sending his wand flying high enough for me to catch. I turned around to see Harry and Ron stood at the doorway, Harry's wand pointed to Lockhart.

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