Mankisser and boykisser🏳️‍🌈🥺

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happy gay month and gay month special fr
Tw: no smut of any sort, fr, kinda angst in a silly little way idk💀 oh yeah and the occasional British or gay slur🧍🏿‍♂️🧍🏿‍♂️

3rd pov:

"Hey cc, do you know what time of the year it is?" Micheal asked, excitingly, sitting down on the couch next to cc.
"uhh idk national big booty Latina day? Or big booty Latino... oh wait! Is it national anal day?" Cc replied, attempting to respond correctly but sounding excited on that last part, hoping he can get some manbooty or some manly stick of desire and lust, however , he was immensely wrong.
"No cc! Dumb bitch.., it's our time of the year!" Micheal said, trying to hint at it.

"National incest day?... no that already passed... uhh what? I don't get it."cc replied, in the most mankissing way a little boys response could be, wanting an earned kiss , from passing the grade and passing all tests and final grades with only one C-.
"No you fucking twink it's gay month!! We are supposed to watch parade's but they don't have that here in Utah cuz it's mainly old homophobic people." Micheal finally awnsered.. himself pretty much, being a little womanly pissed off at cc for not remembering, it most definitely shattered a little small piece of his heart."okay then what do you want us to do,"cc pausing for a moment, then continued with excitement "gay month sex?? kinky sex??"- Micheal cut him off "why is everything always about sex? Kinky sex, bigbooty Latino (??) sex, bondage sex, secret sex," Micheal paused , continuing a little angrier "do you EVER consider anything else other than FUCKING?? I swear to FUCKING or to the SEX gods, that I will beat your ass still your straight and back again." Micheal yelled, almost a lecture.
"Loo-" cc got cut off again "I don't even care anymore, I don't want to hear it. I'm done. I'm taking a long brea- actually fuck it im breaking up , I'm just done." Micheal got up  and left, going to the telephone to call the boys to hangout before he got emotional,

While cc stood their in shock, disbelief, and starting to shed a few tears from realization. "H-h-honey wait let's talk this out, p-please" cc spoke in tears, hesitation, and a little anger from not getting head. "No. I'm done here, I thought you wouldn't just want sex out of me, I hate you.I don't even know why I even tried with this. I'm moving out in a year once I'm 18. (Not attempting to confirm his age ill be hopping around that a lot tho.). I fucking hate you so goddamn much I can't even try to be happy with you anymore."Micheal spoke, his words being venom to the heart for Cc. Cc started to shed more tears, then more, and more till he started crying. He was in disbelief. He was heartbroken. He felt as if his heart had been ripped apart, stabbed multiple times, then surgically put back in. His head began to ache a little and it became harder to breathe. Micheal saw all of this, just wanting to get away to ignore this as long as he could. He actually didn't know why he even said those things. They were words with no meaning behind it. He also figured that cc wouldn't take him back after that so he mind as well just go along with it now. "you can't even back yourself up on just wanting sex. That's what I thought." The words spewed out of Michael's mouth , like acid going through skin in those movies. Micheal actually had no idea why the fuck he was saying this, he just let pent up anger and sadness get to him. He continued to walk away, grabbing his skateboard then leaving through the front door, flipping cc off the entire way.
With cc, he just stood there. Starting to sob , staring to bawl. Feeling his knees go weak he fell to the ground as Micheal left, now wishing..

If only I knew it was gay month...


This is still a joke book if you couldn't tell💀
700 words at 7am, school got me used to that shit🧍🏿‍♂️

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