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Copy n pasted from neobook!!!(i added some shit)

Micheal and C.C were two brothers who had always been close. But when their little sister Elizabeth passed away, their world was turned upside down. The once happy and carefree boys became consumed by grief and were unable to cope with their loss.

Micheal, who was 15 years old, was hit the hardest by Elizabeth's death. He was angry and confused, unable to process the pain he was feeling. He started to lash out at those around him, especially his younger brother C.C. C.C, who was only 8 years old, couldn't understand why his brother was being so mean to him. He didn't know how to deal with his own grief, so he cried constantly, seeking comfort from his parents who were also struggling to cope.

As the days passed, Micheal's anger only grew stronger. He found solace in bullying his brother, blaming him for their sister's death. The once loving and protective older brother had become a cruel and heartless bully. C.C retreated into himself, feeling alone and abandoned by his brother.

But one night, everything changed. C.C had a nightmare and woke up crying. Micheal, who was unable to sleep due to his own inner turmoil, heard his brother's cries and went to check on him. Seeing C.C in tears, something inside Micheal shifted. He realized that he was taking his anger out on the wrong person and that C.C was also hurting just as much as he was.

From that night on, Micheal started to open up to C.C about his feelings. He shared his pain and guilt over not being able to protect Elizabeth. C.C, in turn, shared his own feelings of emptiness and loss. As they talked more and more, they found comfort in each other's company and slowly started to heal.

But as their bond grew stronger, they also started to see each other in a different light. The once annoying little brother had grown into a caring and understanding young man, and Micheal couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards him. C.C, on the other hand, had always looked up to his older brother and now saw him in a whole new way.

One night, as they were talking in Micheal's room, their emotions got the best of them, and they shared a passionate kiss. It was a moment of release, a moment of connection, and it felt right. They gave in to their desires, and for the first time since Elizabeth's death, they felt alive.

Their love for each other grew with each passing day, and they found solace and healing in each other's arms. They began to grow closer, wanting to be sexual with eachother, Micheal was showing CC how his growing body would, and is working.. but not in a way you would expect a brother too.

Blah blah blah bigbootybuttsex

IM RETIRED(retarded)

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