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Soon he came and started wearing his clothes to comfortable one. He heard knocks on the door so he opened and saw his dad. He asked "where was you?". He stared at the floor not wanting to tell when he yelled "I told you right? Not to go Jungkook's apartment. Still..."

He said and slammed the door before going downstairs. He again started smiling and started thinking about YN.


I woke up and got up from the bed. I directly went to bathroom to take shower and got ready. I saw the time and it showed 8:27 AM. I made my breakfast and ate it and was about to went out when my phone buzzed and got text a from Jennie 'be ready at 7AM'. I replied her 'ok, BTW happy birthday Jennie'.

I locked the apartment and when did directly to find a part time job. I was roaming around when I saw a pamphlet of a part time job at a cafe. I went to that address and went inside. I went to the counter and said "I'm here to get the job which was shown in the pamphlet".

She said "miss, here is the manager's office you can get the job from him". I nodded and went to the office and knocked the door. Soon I heard 'come in' so, I went inside. I bowed to him and said "sir, I want the job which is shown in the pamphlet ".

He said "sure miss, what's your name?" I replied him "Lee YN". After that he said "you can come from tomorrow, your shift will start from 5PM to 8PM". I said "okay" and went outside.

I went outside the cafe and started jumping like a bunny, But soon I bumped into a hard built man. I was about to fall when he grabbed my hand and pulled me which in result my face hit on his chest.

I stood straight and went backwards. I said "I'm sorry, so sorry" and was about to go when he grabbed my hand and said "did I forgave you". He pulled me towards his side and now again I was in front of him.

I saw him and he was looking handsome. I shook my thought and said "I'm sorry please forgive me". He said "may I know your name?" I replied "why?". He said "coz I want to" I said "please let me go I have to go somewhere". He said "only then when you'll tell me your name" I told him my name and he let me go.

I started running and finally I reached my apartment. I unlocked it and went inside. I directly went to my room and saw the time it showed 6:09 PM. I stood up and went to take shower.

I came out and wore the dress which was gifted by my lover. I started putting some makeup and done. I sat on the couch to not get bored when I heard the car horns. I saw the time and it showed 6:47 PM. I went out saw Jennie was leaning on her car and was waiting for me. I said "happy birthday Jennie". She said "thanks" while I was coming to her side.

She saw me and said "oh my! You're looking sooo beautiful". I shook my head in disbelief and she again said "come inside". I sat in the car with her and she was driving the car. We talked about random stuffs and here was were in front of her house.

We got out of the car and saw many guests were there. She took my hand and said "come with me I want you my brother candy". She took me to that guy but my eyes widened when I saw candy is none other than Taehyung. He was also wearing the same dress colour.

He was talking to other guys when he saw me and said them "excuse me!". He came towards us and greeted me and said "hello YN nice to meet you again" while showing his boxy smile.


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