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I went to bathroom and took a shower. I came outside and wore the dress. I sat on the dressing table and started combing my hair.

I combed my hair and unwillingly went towards the door. I was about to knock the door when it opened by Jungkook as he said...

Jungkook: How much- you're here. I thought you might be taking shower. Come!

With that he held my hands and took me downstairs. I was about to step further when I felt my vission getting blurry. I hold Jungkook's shirt tightly in fear that I may fall down.


Jungkook noticed it and held your hand and took you in bridal style. Soon you passed out. Jungkook hurriedly took you back in the shared bedroom and made you lay on bed.

He took his phone and called his hyung...



Hello! Jungkook where are you? Why are you calling me when I'm here?

Hyung please come to my room. Now! And tell everyone to go.


With that Jungkook cut the call and started shaking you. "Baby, wake up" he said as he was rubbing your hand.

The door opened revealing Namjoon as he asked "why was you call- what happened to her!?" while he ran to you and sat beside you.

"I don't know" Jungkook replied as joonie said "let me check her".

He started checking you and asked "is she's taking her meal on time?" Jungkook didn't replied as he don't know about it.

"Answer me!" Joon said as Jungkook said "don't know". "Are you serious! She's not having proper meal which caused her to feel dizzy" Rm said as Jungkook just look down and anger was shown in his eyes.

"You said you'll take care of her more than Taehyung will!" This time Jungkook said "I'm coming!" and went outside.

He was about to step in the stairs when RM said "I'm going, she'll get up tomorrow as I injected her" Jungkook nodded and RM went outside.

"SANA!!, BOK JOO!!, WHERE ARE YOU BOTH BITCHES!!" anger was shown in his eyes as his eyes changed into red one.

"Ye-yes, master" one maid said as another came just now. "WHY THE FUCK YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME THAT YOUR QUEEN IS NOT TAKING MEALS!!" Jungkook pulled his gun out as both of them was shivering from fear.

"Didn't I hired you both to be the personal maid of Yn?" He asked as he was stepping towards them. He pulled Sana's hair and said "you both know  that I have anger issues, still..."

"Master, w-we always gave Mrs. Jeon meal t-time to time. But she always r-rejected th-them and a-always says that she'll not take any m-meal until she see her o-oppa" bok Joo said as soon she fall down due to the bullet she earned from Jungkook.

"I just asked you WHY THE FUCK!!! you didn't told me, but you..." Soon he was about to shoot Sana but stopped when he asked "bitch, you know why I killed her? And why I'm going to kill you!?".

She shook her head as Jungkook said "because I know you're are my enemy's spy, but you didn't gave my doll her meal so..."


"clear this mess" Jungkook told his guards as he said "Mrs. Nun from now on you'll take care of my baby" while she nodded.


You woke up as beam of sunlight hit your face. You got up and heard growling sound from your tummy.

"Here!" Mrs. Nun said as she was waiting for you to wake up and serve you your breakfast.

"Who are you?" You asked as you never saw her here. How can you even see her when you was in the room locked.

"Your personal maid"

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