Loser Linda Pt.2

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It wasn't even two weeks before Charlie and Linda had made their break up public knowledge.

The two made separate comments to their respective friend groups and the word went around.

Actually, it spread like wildfire.

Charlie and Linda were no longer together.

Charlie and I hadn't had any time to discuss what had happened the day in the locker room. I assumed he had forgotten it, since he had been alone with me several times and was given the opportunity to speak, but he never did.

I guess it was just a friendly gesture.

It meant nothing.

Charlie didn't want me.

"God damnit, again with the sob story journal entries." Averman sighed, putting his hands on the table I was seated at.

"Averman! Jesus you scared me." I jumped, a little startled at my best friends sudden gesture.

"Make a move already! You're not getting any younger." He sat across from me, pulling the pencil from my fingertips.

"How rude of you." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

He rolled his eyes, doodling in my journal.

'Averman WAZ here'

'Conway STINKZ'

'Y/N should date AVERMAN ;)'

I chuckled at the last one.

"Go make your move and quit giggling at my masterpiece." Averman slapped his hand over the notes and doodles he had left in my journal.

"Okay weirdo. Put that back in my dorm when you're done with it." I smiled, grabbing my bag and exiting the study area.

He only waved me off in response.

I made my way up the stairs to my dorm, dropping my book bag in front of my desk.

I walked over to my mirror, fluffing out my hair and straightening my shirt.

I looked okay, right?

Charlie didn't care.

He never did.

Don't bother.

I shook my head.

I had to try.

I marched out of my dorm and towards the rink where the guys usually were on Saturdays.

"Fulton, pass it over here!"

"Knock him out, Portman!"


"Goldberg, save it!"

Charlie scored.

I smiled, walking towards the barrier between the ice and the stands.

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