Chapter 8- Well, at least she doesn't have to die to get married

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Y/n pov:

I was walking around to explore a little bit, since this was going to be my new home

'Its gonna be a little bit difficult to eat, Maybe I can see if the kitchen had human food supplied'

As I was about to walk through the door, I heard Emily's voice

"If she finds out she'll leave, there must be something we can do?"

I heard a few pages flipping and the bones of a skeleton shaking

"There is one thing."

He continues,

"She would have to make the greatest sacrifice to be with you,"

I listen in anticipation

"Y/n would have to give up the life she had, repeat her vows in the land of the living and drink from the wine of ages."

I gasp a little from the unexpected words


The old man continues,

"This would stop her heart forever. Only then she would be free to give it to you."

I back away a little, feeling scared

"I could never ask her."

I breathed and watched as she fell to the ground in heart break and despair

I spoke,

"You don't have to. I'll do it, I'll love Emily in this life and the next."

She looked up at me in shock from my sudden appearance and smiled

The old man spoke once more

"My darling, if you choose this path you may never return to the world above."

I nod my head and smiled

I responded,

"I know. But there's no place I rather be then by Emily's side."

We then gathered everyone and started to get ready to head to the living world

Victorias pov:

I watched as Victor made his way out if my window and walk home

As I was about to go out to the living room, my door knob jiggled

My mother then walked through in a slow like manner

"Victoria, you will proceed to get married tomorrow to lord barkis. He's a far more better suit."

I felt tears willed up in my eyes, I felt emotionally exhausted, I miss my best friend

"Mother, I'm not disagreeing with you but, couldn't we perhaps push it back? I'm still upset over Y/n. She went missing again."

My mothers eyes widen from shock, and nodded her head

She responded,

"Oh,well, over those sudden matters. I'll push it back one hour. I expect you to get ready after."

She then walks out

I sit down on my bed with my arms wrapped around my head, crying

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~

I was standing at the alter, looking over at y/n's seat imagining her being there and helping me through this

The priest spoke,

"Do you, Victoria, swear to love, Lord Barkis, from now until forever?"

I nod my head and felt the water leak from my eyes

"I do."

"And do you, Lord Barkis, swear to love, Victoria, from now until forever?"

I watched as he smirked and put on my ring for me

He retorted,

"I do."

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