Chapter three. The Kingdom Stone.

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Previously on "The Hero of Avalice"

Lilac followed two boys and she wanted to know what they are up to. The three of them dashed through Dragon Valley and then The Hunter Snake appeared. The rock was falling on (Y/N) but Lilac pushed him out which causes her to be knocked unconscious by rock. (Y/N) screamed in rage and transformed into Nightmare form and engage the Hunter Snake in battle. He defeated the Hunter Snake and punched rock in rage and turned back to normal. Then they heard explosion in the distance and they ran towards it.

Now. Lilac's POV.

There we were. Me , Carol , (Y/N) , Gerald and Torque we were running towards my treehouse. As we were going i said.

Lilac: So , what are you doing out here? The skys haven't been save for days.

Torque: Someone is about to steal the Kingdom Stone and i have to stop them.

(Y/N): The Kingdom Stone? What is this thing?

Lilac: You mean you don't know what it is?

Gerald: Of course. Me and (Y/N) are not from here , you know.

And then i explained to these boys all about the Kingdom Stone. (Y/N) and Gerald looked at each other but it seemed (Y/N) understood what i said nodding his head.

(Y/N): I see. The Kingdom Stone radiates as much energy as my nightmare form. If i combine my nightmare form with the power of the Kingdom Stone -

Lilac: You will be unstoppable god. And you will crash all villains on your way.

Gerald: Exactly.

Then i turned to Torque and say.

Lilac: But it's impossible to steal the Kingdom Stone.

Carol: Yeah , only i could steal it.

Lilac: Pfft. You wish.

Torque: Well it's already happening. Mayor Zao is sending his troops in disguise to the Ancient Temple. I have to warn them.

(Y/N): Don't sweat it mate. With my Nightmare form i'm not only strong but i'm also fast enough to get there.

Gerald: Same here. I'm the essence of fast running.

Lilac: Carol and i are pretty fast as well. We can run over there for you.

Carol: Yup. I've got a motorcycle and she's a dragon. They're like super fast.

(Y/N) and Lilac: Darn Straight.

Torque: Well. It's worth a shot. Hurry over there before it's too late.

Gerald: What about you?

Torque: I'll catch up with you as soon as i'll find all of my stuff.

(Y/N): Right. Come on guys.

And of we go. As the four of us were running i decided to ask (Y/N) a question.

Lilac: Say , (Y/N). What does Nightmare form of yours do and how did you achieved that?

(Y/N): Well. Nightmare form is the most powerful form that i could achieve. In fact i have more than just one form. I have Super , Hyper , Dark and Nightmare. The way i achieved these forms is the immense training. I have to train everyday to get stronger.

Lilac: I see. Hey , when this all will be done , how about we have a sparing match. I want to be just as strong as you.

(Y/N): Sure. I even let your friend Carol to get to the training so she can be strong too. Just come talk to me when you have a chance.

The Hero of Avalice (Lilac x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now