Chapter Six

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My fingers anxiously play with the metal chain around my neck, fiddling with it as my mind races. The sun is setting and I know I have to go now if I'm going to at all. James' words replay in my mind and it's all the motivation I need to finally grab my backpack and leave. I make my way down to the street, the golden sunset shining in my eyes as I look in both directions. Luckily, James is nowhere to be found and I know my path to the tunnel is clear.

I adjust the straps of the holster on my thigh as I begin walking towards the secret tunnel that leads out of the QZ. James had shown me the tunnel when I once went with him to meet our pill supplier. It's just an easy way to get out of the QZ without FEDRA interference, and not a lot of people know these tunnels even exist. And if they do, most of them probably assume they've been blocked off by FEDRA; they'd be wrong.

Before I turn the last corner, I check to make sure nobody is following me one more time. A few stragglers walk the streets, not paying attention to me. The coast is clear. With a deep breath, I take the first step into the culvert, the bottom of it covered by a small stream of water from the previous storms. I hate that I didn't have the night to prepare for my departure, but I shouldn't be gone for more than a few days, I should be fine.

I take the small leap down from the culvert onto the ground, looking to the QZ border that's on my left. I see soldiers protecting the front gate, so I take a right to get out of their line of sight. I'm not sure which way the killers went, but I think if I can find somewhere high to rest for the night, then maybe I'll be able to see a fire if they build one; or any sign of life.

Vibrant greenery has overtaken many of the buildings, vines of ivy climbing high with the skyscrapers and the natural grass is decorated with wildflowers. If the infected didn't pose such a threat, I'm sure I'd spend hours outside of the QZ, admiring the flowers and picking the prettiest ones to go on my aged kitchen table. But now I find myself out here, maybe against my better judgment, with the opportunity to do so.

As I walk towards one of the abandoned skyscrapers on the outskirts of the QZ, I bend over and pluck a beautiful pale pink geranium. I twirl the stem around in my hand, admiring the softness of the color and petals. Bringing it to my nose, I inhale the light smell that resembles roses. Smelling the flowers is a simple pleasure that I rarely get to indulge in anymore and it reminds me of better, simpler times.

I focus back on my surroundings, knowing that I can't stay off guard out here. The geranium stays in my fingers as I scope out a few buildings, trying to determine which would give me the better vantage point, and which would be the safest in terms of structural soundness and the absence of infected. I stand and contemplate the best course of action, when someone clearing their throat behind me startles me. Out of instinct, I grab the handle of my knife that's conveniently stored on my belt and turn to the sound. For a split second, I wonder why I didn't reach for my gun that's strapped to my thigh.

The stranger from James' apartment stands in front of me, hands raised in surrender. I keep the knife in my hand, but lower it to my side. The anger I felt earlier returns as I realize James must have talked this man into following me. Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I speak to the man.

"I know you're out here because James asked you to be. But I'm fine, really. There's no need for you to follow me." I keep my voice steady, but soft, as to not attract unwanted attention. The man's eyes are intense, and causes me to break eye contact first.

"Wasn't planning on stickin' around. He wanted me to get this to you." The man simply states and digs into his pocket. He hands me a piece of paper, his broken watch reflecting in the dying sunlight.

He watches me unfold the paper and I read the messy handwriting on it.


I know you're going out there no matter what I say. That's just your nature, you're a stubborn shit. When you come back we'll talk. But until then, stay safe and kick ass. Make those bastards pay for what they did.

Turtle Doves | Joel MillerWhere stories live. Discover now