Side Story II: The Friend I'm Proud of

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The weather was getting cooler and cooler

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The weather was getting cooler and cooler. Summer was really slipping away.

When Edith ran over to the castle today, she saw Charlene already waiting for her at the garden gate. But this time, it wasn't the governess pushing Charlene's wheelchair from behind, but a slender boy. He was probably already a big child of ten years old.

His hair was long just like Charlene's, very light blonde. His face was pale and looked sickly. He was dressed in an even more complicated outfit than Charlene, with several layers, lots of buttons, lace, and pleats, tightly wrapped around his body.

As Edith walked closer, Charlene introduced him to her, "This is my brother, Raphael."

At first glance, Edith thought that the siblings looked quite alike, but upon closer inspection, they didn't resemble each other much. Compared to Charlene, Raphael had a more delicate face, fairly pretty. But he always had a glum look, which sometimes made him less likable than his sister.

"Hello, Raphael," she greeted this young master earnestly.

Raphael also looked at this barefoot girl with amazement. He knew Edith must be the daughter of a nearby peasant. He never expected his sister to play with a child like her. They seemed to have nothing in common.

When Edith started playing the game of rolling down the low hill, Raphael began to understand why his sister liked her. He also envied Edith's happiness.

So, when he saw the little girl trying to reach the fruits on the higher branches by tiptoeing on a tree branch but failing, scratching her head in frustration, he couldn't help but walk over and say, "I should be able to reach it. Let me help you, Mademoiselle Edith."

Raphael's heart pounded as he climbed the tree. He didn't want to show fear. He wanted to be a man in front of the little girls.

However, as he stood straight on the narrow branch and saw how high he was from the ground, he couldn't help but swallow nervously.

"Be careful, brother!" Charlene shouted from below the tree.

As Raphael stretched his arm and tried hard to reach the fruit, he felt a bit unstable and involuntarily closed his eyes.

But when he finally grabbed the fruit in his palm, he proudly smiled and his nervousness was gone all at once.

"Catch!" he triumphantly called out to the girl below.

Edith jumped up with joy. She lifted her skirt with both hands and caught the fruits that Raphael tossed down one by one, cheering non-stop.

When Raphael jumped down from the tree, he noticed that his coat and shoes were covered in dirt. He tried to pat them with his hands, but the marks were still visible.

He fretted and muttered to himself, "I have to clean it myself. If Father sees it, I'll surely be punished."

"Nevermind, we go to the creek later. Just wash it off with the stream water," Edith casually said to him.

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