●♤ Chapter 1: Lurking ♤●

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   It had been a long day, Gingerbread and the crew had been running for quite a bit now, chasing cakehounds and running from ferocious bees and giant jellyworms... somehow. So, Chili Pepper Cookie had decided..

Chili Pepper Cookie: Why not watch something with this TV I stole? Sounds fun, right?

Wizard Cookie: Chili Pepper Cookie... *he'd grumble* You know, not all of us are very fond of-

   Custard Cookie ||| would interrupt him.

Custard Cookie |||: Ooh, yes!! Your king demands this TV to be set up right away!! Get moving, won't ya? Your king is getting bored here!!!

   Wizard Cookie would glare at Custard Cookie ||| in annoyance, before just giving up on what he wanted to say and began walking to his room to study.

Strawberry Cookie: Hey Wizard Cookie, are you sure you don't want to watch TV with us? I'm sure it's better than just studying all day..

Wizard Cookie: No, no.. I'd rather study than be watching TV with him.. *he would stare at Custard Cookie ||| again*

Strawberry Cookie: Well, if you do not want to, that is alright too!... I just thought.. well... maybe you could take a break from studying? Just this once?

Wizard Cookie: Oh, alright.. fine! If you seriously want me to sit down and watch TV with you guys, then.... why not, I guess?

   Custard Cookie ||| would happily sit down on a fluffy couch, perfect for him. He'd grab the remote, fumbling with it and not even noticing it needed batteries, meanwhile, Chili Pepper Cookie..

Chili Pepper Cookie: Ohh, come on!  Where is the stupid pack of batteries when you need them?!

   She would be searching for a while, yet Gingerbrave was quite literally standing next to her, with the batteries.

Gingerbave: Chili Pepper Cookie? CHILI PEPPER COOKIE!! I have the batteries right here!

Chili Pepper Cookie: GAH!! Hey, don't be sneaking up on me like that! It isn't cool!!  Also, how did you find those so quick?!

Gingerbrave: I've had them this whole time, but it seems you didn't really take notice that I was quite literally standing right by you with the batteries.

Chili Pepper Cookie: Ughhh!! WHATEVER!! Just give them to me!

   Gingerbrave would plop the batteries right in her hand as she quickly rushed and slapped the remote out of Custard Cookie |||'s hand, stuffed the batteries into the remote, and pressed play. For whatever reason, the TV refused to work! Wizard Cookie thought of giving it an extra charge with a spell, but... I'm pretty sure that just broke it even more. Literally. The TV was pouring out smoke, that left everyone there just coughing and trying to get rid of the smoke.

Clover Cookie: Hey everyone! I'm back with the- *cough* MY, my! What has happened here?!

   Gingerbrave and the others would just point at Wizard Cookie in a small panic.

Wizard Cookie: HEY!! You know, I was just trying to fix it!

Alchemist Cookie: Well, you really did not! Instead, you caused a HUUUGE reaction with the electricity already inside the TV. You know, this so-called "magic" had many properties that differ from the actual thing! For instance, that "Lightning Strike" spell of yours sent so much electricity into the TV at once that the functions completely broke down, unable to handle the sudden surge of electricity! This would then cause the TV to completely combust into crumbs, but for whatever reason, this TV refuses to fall apart. But that does not change the fact that you quite literally broke the TV even more and... (blah blah blah)

Gingerbrave: Ehh, um.. Alchemist Cookie? Sorry to break it to you, but it really doesn't matter. See? The TV is working!

   Alchemist Cookie would stand in shock.. How is the TV working?! Such surges of electricity would cause it to immediately break down!! This breaks almost every single scientific reason from being accurate!!... or maybe the spell was weak... no! That spell is REALLY strong, she'd know that for a fact..

Chili Pepper Cookie: Not sure what your definition of "working" is, but the TV is only a blank white screen!

Gingerbrave: Atleast it is on now! And it uhh.... DIDN'T..explode...like Alchemist Cookie said.

Alchemist Cookie: Oh, so now I get some credit?!

Wizard Cookie: You really don't deserve the credit.

Alchemist Cookie: What did you-

   Chili Pepper Cookie would use her daggers to intentionally threaten them to shut the hell up.

Chili Pepper Cookie: Just sit down and stop arguing for once! It's so simple to just NOT argue!

   They'd grumble, turning to face the TV.

Strawberry Cookie: Hey, umm... guys? About the TV..

[CPC, WC, CC|||, AC, CC, GB]: What is it?

Strawberry Cookie: The TV...isn't producing any light at all. If it was, the framing of the TV would be lighter than it is right now..

Alchemist Cookie: Alteast she listens to me... *mumbling*

Gingerbrave: Huh...that's strange! I wonder why that-.. wait, huh??

Chili Pepper Cookie: Ohh, soooo cool! Now there is a black question mark on the TV and it STILL refuses to work! Isn't that so cool? (She would say sarcastically)

Wizard Cookie: Chili Pepper Cookie, there is something behind that TV...

Clover and Chili Pepper: Wha...?

Clover Cookie: Ermm.. Good luck to us all!! Have the cookies of darkness come to try and get us again?!

Custard Cookie |||: T-that doesn't look like Red Belvet Cookie's hand at all.. and none of the monsters we have met have claws like that.. atleast not in that..


Chili Pepper Cookie: Guys, Why are you freaking out so much?! It must be Devil Cookie playing another stupid trick on us!

   Devil Cookie would appear from behind the couch, he was trying to scare them as a prank, but..

Devil Cookie: Okay, sure, I was behind this couch tryna scare you all.. But I'm NOT taking the blame for something I didn't do!

Wizard Cookie: You've been here this WHOLE TIME?!

Devil Cookie: Why wouldn't I be? The idea of a new TV sounded cool, so why not?

Strawberry Cookie: A-and you're telling us that you didn't do this? Are you being honest..? *fear filled her voice, if he didn't do it, then..*

Devil Cookie: Why would I lie about something like that? I always admit it when I get caught doin a prank! Pshh, the audacity of you to just go blaming me like that!!



Clover Cookie: WHAT?! THE TV IS-..

   Clover Cookie would be stopped mid-sentence, with a loud thump, signalling to Clover Cookie being dropped onto the ground with a harsh force.. and a dragging noise across chocowood tiles, even the faint sound of...scratching..

   Soon, another thump followed along with a dragging noise, and... Wizard Cookie was gone without a trace! The cookies would begin to panic, and soon, Strawberry Cookie and Custard Cookie ||| were also gone!

   The liquid coming from the TV would drip onto the floor, as the remaining cookies were taken.. yet, even with all that, even before that... All failed to notice that the hand had disappeared from the TV, scratch marks visible on the spot where it was.

○•° ' Leakage ' °•○ A Cookie Run weirdcore/dreamcore/nostalgacore storyWhere stories live. Discover now