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Archetypal psychology is a subject I am interested in, and I have been self-studying it for more than a year. I have been applying my knowledge of archetypes into my life and the media I consume. The Bad Batch is my favourite to do some analysis. Hence, I am writing this to share my love for the Bad Batch and enlighten people of the lessons I have learned from it.

So, what are archetypes?

The concept of archetypes is introduced by Carl Jung into psychology. 

Archetypes are "preexistent, or latent, internally determined patterns of being and behaving, of perceiving and responding". 

These patterns exist in our personal and collective unconscious, and can be described in personalized ways like in the forms of gods and goddesses. 

Hence, myths are archetypal stories, as they evoke feelings and images, and touch on themes that are universal and part of our human inheritance. 

Even in different cultures, the same patterns exist in different myths, and this can help us to share our human experiences and understand each other.

The books I use for my Bad Batch analysis are (they are available on the Internet in PDF files):

The books I use for my Bad Batch analysis are (they are available on the Internet in PDF files):

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"Goddesses in Everywoman" by Jean Shinoda Bolen

"Goddesses in Everywoman" by Jean Shinoda Bolen

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"Gods in Everyman" by Jean Shinoda Bolen

The Bad Batch analysis consist of a comprehensive analysis on "Gods in Everyman" and "Goddesses in Everywoman". I hope this will help you to appreciate the series and the main characters more (maybe it will change your life like what happened to me).

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