Tech's Innate Archetype

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This is the fifth instalment of my Bad Batch analysis. This character analysis has two parts: innate archetypes and anima. I will be referring to "Gods in Everyman" and "Goddesses in Everywoman" by Jean Shinoda Bolen for this first part analysis.

Tech has two main archetypes: Hades and Hermes. His innate archetype is Hades, the God of the Underworld. He has many alternative titles as the Greeks once considered saying his name as unlucky. His alternative titles are "the Unseen One" (Aidoneus), "the Rich One" (Pluto or Plouton), "the Good Counsellor", "the Renowned One", "the Hospitable One", "the Gate-Fastener" and "the Hateful One". He is also known as Zeus of the Underground or Zeus of the Underworld. The Underworld, also called Hades, is the world where souls go after death. It is also the realm of the unconscious – personal and collective. The personal unconscious is where our repressed memories, thoughts and feelings reside, where everything too painful, too shameful or too unacceptable to others is hidden, and where unfulfilled yearnings and undiscovered potential reside. The collective unconscious is the realm of archetypes or universal human patterns. These archetypes exist as "shades" or abstract forms, and they have existed through time – lived out by people in the past, currently living in people right now, and will be "reborn" into the future generation.

In the myths, Hades rarely leaves the Underworld, which makes him the archetype of the recluse. People who live like Hades withdraw into seclusion, and they do not care or take note of what is happening in the world. There are a few reasons they may live like this: they may have lost whatever once had meaning for them in the world, or they naturally prefer to be alone, unnoticed and unbothered. They may be untalkative or inexpressive, which leads to social invisibility, matching Hades as the Unseen One for the god wears the cap of invisibility. Tech is a recluse most of the time. He usually works on machinery and do research alone. He is engrossed in the content of his datapad to the point that he usually ignores the outside world and the people around him. This is something Phee takes notice of, and she tells him to put down his datapad so he can enjoy the sunset on Pabu. Wrecker is also aware of that in "The Bad Batch" as he temporarily shifts Tech's focus from his datapad by playing around with the head of a battle droid. In "Decommissioned", Tech is seen in the background playing slot machines while Omega is practicing her energy bow. In "Pabu", as Tech is alone on the Marauder, he plays a game against himself because it is the only time the game is challenging for him. All of these indicate that Tech naturally prefers to be alone and stay in the background.

Hades is also called Pluto or Plouton, the God of Wealth and Riches. This alternate name is fitting as the Underworld contains minerals, diamonds and precious gems. Some depictions have Hades storing the seeds underground during winter and releasing them in spring. Hades is sometimes pictured carrying a cornucopia or horn of plenty that is overflowing with fruits and vegetables, or with jewels, gems, gold and silver. Generally, introverts may have observed the outside world and decided that they prefer the subjectivity and richness of their interior world, which is the Plouton or "riches" aspect of Hades. They can experience introverted sensations in the forms of inner dialogues, visions or bodily sensations. Hades the reclusive Plouton is a source of creativity that can be expressed through the arts, often in films, novels, comics, video games and roleplaying games, especially those involve worldbuilding. James Cameron, J.R.R. Tolkien, George Lucas and C.S. Lewis are examples of people connecting with Hades the Plouton and expressing their rich imagination through filmmaking or literature. For Tech, his exceptional mind is his wealth and it is expressed through infodumping. In the Clone Wars episode "On the Wings of Keeradaks", Hunter says that Tech records everything as a hobby. Tech also constantly takes notes on his datapad, and that includes memorable occasions like the first time Wrecker feels full after a huge meal in "Pabu". His vast collection of recordings and notes represent the "riches" aspect of Hades. When the Bad Batch is locked in a makeshift prison cell in "Aftermath", Tech uses his fingers to search for a weak spot in the wall. This indicates that bodily sensations are part of his subjective perceptions.

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