Chapter nine: Ruby, I'm here

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I'm coming up on infra-red
There is no running that can hide you
'Cause I can see in the dark
I'm coming up on infra-red
Forget your running, I will find you

Placebo - Infra-Red

They're in the HQ now, in the room. Room was long and looked a little bit like hall. Long wooden table standing at the middle of the room, room was made in ivory tones. Around of wooden table were a luxury wooden chairs with a soft turquoise soft inserts on the back and on the bottom of the seat. Two chairs were free, it seemed that they were waiting for Mordecai and Drew. There was a huge grey fireplace at the end of the room and on it were placed some red daisies in the vase. Room itself was cozy enough. All around was telling to them «Make yourself at home». Liam and others were sitting on chairs near the table and it seemed that they're discussing something. Liam noticed them because he was near the door that were standing these two. He did a friendly move by hand that they could to join for conversation. Mordecai with Drew joined them and sat on chairs, they were beside of each other. Mordecai crossed arms, and Liam said while others were discussing something.
"I waited for you with your partner." He chuckled. "I want to tell you something."

"Huh, and what exactly you want to tell?"

"Well, you've already known about plans of Cat's Claw and I want to say that..." He did a short pause. "In my opinion, if we'll defend successfully, they'll raid they second option, Lackadaisy gang."

"Lackadaisy gang?" Mordecai said abruptly. "I don't like them though but..." He glanced at Liam. "We have to make a partnership with them."

"A partnership? Are you crazy?"

"Listen, Cat's Claw is a new gang, yes? They might be clumsy and overrating their own force. And their leader is just..." He looked to the left where Drew sat and glanced back to Liam and grumbled gesticulating as he continued. "Is just a piece of crap."

Drew got that Mordecai was about Ruby and what she did with him and he agreed with what Mordecai said with a nod.

"Mordecai," Liam grumbled. "I understand it. And Cat's Claw isn't the only one gang in this town, but they're large. Do you really think that we have to make a partnership with Lackadaisy gang and we will sure about that they're not gonna betray us like Cat's Claw did with us?"

Mordecai leaned against the table and put arm on table and put hand to his head.
"I don't know, Liam." He muttered. "But we need to try once more."

"Hope that it'll not take us down." Liam sighed.

Mordecai ended conversation with Liam, he glanced at Drew and said to him.
"Drew, remember, don't leave my office."

"I remember it, Mordecai, stop reminding me about it."

Mordecai leaned a little to Drew and sighed.
"Just don't do something «heroic»."

"Fine." Drew replied hoarsely.


It's evening. Mordecai and his group waited for the ambushing at the main exit of their HQ. They didn't know where exactly ambushing would take place so half of the group with Serafine, Nico, Liam were waiting attack at the emergency exit. Only Drew stayed in the Mordecai's office, but he could look at the window and see every move of that gang. He looked at every single place where could someone was hiding... It's obviously that Ruby in this time would be here, not in her hideout. But she wouldn't take part of it, she would be controlling everything from the safe place. He noticed one suspicious two-story house, only from upper window he could see the light, on bottom of the house wasn't lighting. Ruby wouldn't spectate their ambush from first floor and Drew knew about it. This was a good opportunity to steal that necklace back... Or do even more than just stealing. At the moment everything was quiet, Drew decided to leave Mordecai's office quietly. He took his revolver that was lying on the desk and hid it in inner pocket of his coat and left the office. He knew that everyone was here so he needed to leave the HQ unseen. He saw a window at the end of the yellow hall, he approached to it and opened it. He noticed the metallic ladder under the window and slowly went down by it, ladder wasn't at full size so he jumped off it on ground. He went silent and he was like a «ninja», he left the territory of Marigold Gang...

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