Chapter 5: Promise me

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This was clearly something he wasn't supposed to see. "Answer me. Why are you here?" Her voice became deep and demanding, her eyes began to glow a dangerous red. Fangar stepped back, and began to tremble. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" He stood as strait as he could. "One of my hunters informed me that something was happening with you. So I rushed here to see if you were alright." Her eyes returned to green and a surprised look crossed her face. "Really. You wanted make sure I was alright? Nobody has ever done that for me before except my mother." He took a step closer, and reached his hand through the bars, which Raven responded by leaning her head against his hand. "Sorry, I snapped at you. It's that my mother always told me that if someone ever saw me transform, they would try to use my gift for their own benefit. So I was a bit upset when I discovered that you saw me transform." Fangar's curiosity soon got the better of him. "Just why is it that you can change?" Raven spoke softly. "My mother said that it was a gift, but I always thought that it was a burden. And it was because of what I can do, that I lost her. I don't like talking about it." Fangar knew what it was like to loose someone. "I was also wondering. Why were you singing?" "I do it because it reminds me of my mother.  Every night that we could see the moon she would sing to me, and on the nights when we couldn't see the moon she would sing the song that I was just singing. I don't know why she did it, but I was always happy whenever I heard her sing." Just then the sun began to rise, and the snowflake on Raven's scarf began to glow. She stepped back as light began to surround her, and she changed back. "And as to why I transform when I do, I have no idea." As Fangar was getting ready to speak again, a loud explosion was heard making the ground shake. "What was that?" "I'll tell you later, but now you need to find a place to hide. If anyone comes down here, don't come out unless you hear me or one of my men tell you it's safe to come out." She nodded and forced herself to change into a smaller version of her legend form, with her scarf and snowflake also changing to accommodate for her smaller size, and made a mad dash for the bed, hiding under it and squeezing into the farthest corner, not wanting to be seen. She heard footsteps exiting the room, and then roars, howls, screeches, and other sounds she couldn't quite describe. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, she heard footsteps once again. "Raven, you can come out now. And I need you to come with me." She exited her hiding place just enough to see who it was, making sure that it wasn't a trick, and saw Sir Fangar standing there, with the door wide open. She scrambled from her spot and forced herself to transform again. When she finally made it to his side, he wrapped his arm around her, leading her from dungeon. When they exited the room, all eyes were on them, causing Raven to lean into Fangar slightly, the shy part of her personality showing. There weren't this many hunters when she first came here, but it looked like there were hundreds of them. "There has been a change of plans. I have decided not to marry the lioness, but we shall still keep her prisoner to use as bait and ransom for the artifact.  And Raven shall now live amongst us, and she shall stay by my side, and you are to treat her as if she is one of us." He then led her off to another part of the fortress, away from the crowd, leaving the other hunters dumbstruck. "Can I ask what that was about?" Raven was still nervous, after being around so many hunters. "I am allowing you to become one of us. And I wish for you to stay by my side, and after what I experienced during the battle earlier. Your gift could easily become an a thing of desire if the Phoenix were to find out about you." Raven had now clue who he was talking about. "Who are the Phoenix? I've never heard of them before." Fangar sighed before turning Raven towards him. "The Phoenix are dangerous and should never be approached. If you see one run as fast as you can, get as far away from them as possible, don't even try to fight them. They posses red clothing or armor, and they use fire chi. And if they find out about you, they'll stop at noting to get you. Please promise me that you'll stay away from them." She nodded, now afraid of what was out there and possibly trying to get her. "Now come with me. I'll show you to your chambers, they'll be close to mine so if you need anything just yell." She simply nodded, as they continued to walk deeper into the fortress. He lead her up a flight of stairs, and past a door with a sword carved into it, before arriving at a door with a snowflake carved into it. "This shall be your room, as I said before it's close to mine so I'll be close if you need anything. It's late so I shall leave you to get settled in and get some rest, in the morning I'll send someone to awake you." He then turned to leave, but Raven called to him. "Fangar." He turned on his heel, ready to help her with anything. "I wanted to thank you for making me feel welcome." He nodded, and watched her enter the room and close the door behind her. He felt his face heat up, before he dashed into his room. And leaned against the door, before beginning to debate with himself "I think I've fallen for her. I've cancelled my wedding with Liella, and I've made her one of us. Does she perhaps have feelings for me as well?" In Raven's room a similar debate was taking place. "I think I've fallen for him. I've shown him trust with the knowledge of my gift, told him about some of my past, and even waited for him instead of trying to run away when I had the chance. Does he perhaps have feelings for me as well?" Both fell asleep with questions about the other swimming through their heads. Unaware of what in a few days time would happen to them.

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