Chapter 6: Second Voice

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Raven woke to the sound of another battle. Remembering yesterday, she changed and hid under the bed, and waited for someone to come and get her. Explosions, war cries, and the clash of metal reached her ears. She began to shake when an unfamiliar roar sounded close, the fortress suddenly jolted forward and she slid across the floor, colliding with the wall, and turning back. She went to change back, but for some reason couldn't. Footsteps approached her room, and she could see a light cream colored figure on the other side. Something that her mother taught her came to her mind, and she covered herself with her cloak, causing her to completely vanish. Her door came open, and the figure stepped inside, heading strait for her. It looked around the room, before exiting. Raven stayed in that position for what seemed like hours, before Fangar's cries could be heard, calling her name. He entered the room, and his calls became frantic at not seeing the young Huntress. "F-F-Fangar?" She popped her head out from under the cloak, making her and the cloak reappear. He turned his head swiftly to the side, and his eyes landed on her shaking form. "Raven, what are you doing there?" Raven sat up to the point that she was on her knees. "I was hiding under the bed, like I did yesterday, but there was a jolt and I slid across the floor. Something caused me to change back, and I couldn't change again. I remembered something that my mother told me and hid under my cloak,and then someone came in here. I didn't recognize them. They looked around the room, but it was like I wasn't there at all. I still hid until I heard you." Fangar smiled before offering his hand to help her up, which she gladly took. "I need you to come with me. It's about something important." He led her down the stairs towards the room where all of the other hunters were yesterday. And just like yesterday it was packed. "As you may or may not know this is another blade that is similar to my sword Glacior. But it is still hidden somewhere. I'm offering a large reward to who ever finds it and brings it to me,  just what that reward will be is undecided. And there's another matter, I have received word that the enemy was spotted in the fortress not to long ago, this is a serious matter. If the enemy is able to enter, the we may as well surrender. I want someone to investigate and report to me on how that was possible. I shall leave you to your duties." Soon Raven and Fangar were walking to another part of the fortress, as to where they were going was unknown. A few things were bugging Raven, a she decided to discuss it with Fangar. "Umm, Fangar can I ask you a few questions?" "Anything. Ask Away." "Well I was wondering why I was brought with you to that gathering when it had nothing to do with anything I know about?" "Raven, in a way you were one of the reasons I had everyone gather. You said that someone who you did not recognize as a hunter in your room. That's extremely deep within the fortress. And that's a cause for concern." "And one more thing. I think I may know of that blade you were talking about." He stopped in his tracks. "What do you mean?" "Well, you see. One night when I was sitting under the stars with my mother she told be about a blade that my father had made from his own fang. She said that it had come out in battle, and for reasons unknown he forged it into a sword. He had wanted my mother to use it to protect me, but she declined, because she wanted me to remain pure and kind, never seeing the ways of violence. So he sealed it away, hoping that one day I would come for it, and pass everything that was put between me and that sword. My mother told him that I would only learn of it's existence if it was necessary. Well at the time that she was telling me about it, someone had found out about what I could do, and wanted to use it for their own evil purposes. She told me where to go to start my search for it, but nothing more. She then put the necklace that I wear today around my neck, and pinned my cloak with what she told me was a snowflake, made from only the purest of crystal, and that as long as I never took then off I would be safe, and to remember the music that she taught me and that I would learn, as I grew older. And that music would be very important when I found my second voice. She also said that only after I found my second voice, would I be able to go after the sword, but that the voice would have to stay by my side. She taught me the song that would reveal my second voice only after I found it. When I asked her what a second voice was, she only chuckled and said that I would know it when I found it. I didn't learn anything else from her, because only a few days later she lost her life trying to protect me. To this day I remember the song, but I still don't know what a second voice is. And that's about all I know. I hope that helps." Fangar was dumbstruck, only with her help, would they be able to find the other blade. "How far is this place?" "I don't know, I wasn't looking on the way here, I had my eyes covered with my hood. I was upset, and when that happens I cover my eyes and become quiet. But, if we can get back to where I lived before coming here, I might be able to find the way from there. So when do you want to leave?" The brave side of her personality sprung to life as she no longer acted nervous. "Umm, how does tomorrow morning sound?" "Perfect." "LOOK OUT!" A nervous voice called out, as the pound of something running drew closer, along with the sound of growling. A blur of white and grey was rushing towards them, but it suddenly stopped when it got close to Raven, and the growling ceased. She could now see that it was another hunter, but he seemed different from the others. He was on all fours, with from Raven could see badly torn clothes, and the remains of what appeared to be a leash attached to his neck, he was mostly a snowy grey, with white coloring on his face and hands. Soon after he stopped another hunter cam running behind him. He was an extremely light brown color, with two keys that hung from his chest, eye brow markings that were slightly darker than his fur, and his hands were white just like the other one, and in one hand he held what Raven presumed to be the other part of the leash, but he walked normally, and acted slightly nervous. "Strainor, what is the meaning of this? Why is Sykor roaming freely?" The nervous male that Raven now knew as Strainor gulped before speaking. "He was on his leash, but it broke. I have no clue how or why it broke." "That's no excuse for.." "Fangar, I have reason to believe what he said is true." Raven interrupted, before walking behind Sykor. "Look the leash is broken, and Strainor has the other part in his hand. He has proof, so there's no need to talk to him that way." She looked at Strainor and spoke gently. "Are you alright? Judging from how fast he was running, I don't think that leash breaking was a pleasant thing?" "I'm fine. He normally acts like that, but I've never seen him this calm before. Normally by now he would've attacked someone. I don't understand why he isn't attacking you." Before she could answer, Raven felt a nudge against her leg, and turned to see Sykor sitting sitting next to her, calm and quiet. "Raven, I think it'd be best if we head on our way." "Right, it was nice meeting you both." She called as she followed Fangar. Strainor looked to Sykor who looked back at him, before his leash was fixed, and was quickly dragging Strainor around again. Raven and Fangar continued walking through the halls when Fangar decided to speak. "Why did you stand up for him? It was clearly his fault that Sykor was running loose." Raven spoke softly and gently. "He had proof that the leash broke. Didn't you see the broken one in his hand, and the one on Sykor? And don't forget that he was chasing Sykor, and he warned us when he was running down the hall. You can't be so harsh on your army, it could cause some to want to rebel or rise up. You need to show a little compassion every once in a while." "And just how should I do that?" "Well, let's say for example. I'm in battle, and the enemy has me cornered, and I can't fight back. If you rush in and protect me, and fend off the enemy, that's showing compassion. And there are other ways to show it as well." "And that's one of the reasons why I brought you here. I want to teach you how to protect yourself. If you're attacked and me or another hunter isn't there to protect you, I want you to be able to." Raven was shocked, he wanted to tech her how to fight basically. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline. I believe on leaning on the job, so I can develop my own way of fighting. Then I can learn my enemies way of fighting easily. My mother taught me that." "Very well. If..." "Sir Fangar. The enemy is attacking, and they've brought the phoenix!!" "Raven, return to your room. Wait for me there." Raven nodded and ran off, hoping to make it back without being spotted. She arrived just as another explosion rocked the ground. She became small, and stayed close to the door, in case she need to make a quick escape. For the rest of the day the battle raged on, with it only ending when the sun finally set. Soon after a weary Fangar entered the room, and collapsed, but was caught by Raven so he fell into her arms. She slowly sank to the floor and waited for him to awaken. Her wait was three hours long. When he came too, the first thing he saw was Raven's sweet face. "What happened?" "From the sounds of it. A long battle, when you came in here you collapsed. I caught you, and have sitting here since waiting for you to wake up." Fangar smiled, and tried to get up, failing and being caught by Raven again. "Careful. Here I'll help you to your room." She held out her hand, which he gladly accepted, Raven pulled him to his feet, and led him to his room. When he was in bed, she closed the door quietly, then rushed to her room, and closed the door just as her cheeks turned a deep red. "I haven't blushed this much before. I've got it bad. But does he feel the same way?" Raven began to walk to her bed, when a silver moon beam entered her room through the window. "Mom?" She changed into her Legend Beast form and rushed to the window. Raven closed her eyes and listened, soon a soft sweet voice could be heard. "Raven, my sweet daughter. It is time for you to sing your song, your voice must hear it." Raven's eyes opened, and they widened. "Mom, I still don't know what a second voice is, and you want me to sing the song now. I don't understand." "Raven, please you must, in time you will meet danger, but now you must do as I say. I can speak no more, I am counting on you." "Mom?" The voice and moon beam faded. Raven decided to listen to her mother, she turned back, and began to sing.

I'll swim and sail on savage seas.
With ne'er a fear of drowning.

Fangar heard her voice, and left his bed, heading strait for the door.

And gladly ride the wave of life.
If you would marry me.

He crept from his room, to her door across the hall, taking note of a light pink glow.

No scorching sun, nor freezing cold.
Will stop me on my journey.

He grasps the nob lightly, before turning it, and opening the door slowly.

If you would promise me your heat.
And love me for eternity.

He looked in to see her standing at the window, with a pink glow coming from somewhere in front of her.

My dearest one, my darling dear.
Your might words astound me.

He saw another light illuminate the room slightly, and saw the blue tint that it held.

But I've no need of might deeds.
When I feel your arms around me.

Fangar felt warmth coming from his chest, and looked down to see the emblem on his harness glowing.

But I would bring you rings of gold, and even sing you poetry.
And I would keep you from all harm, if you would stand besides me.

The two lights in the room grew brighter, as she continued to sing, with Fangar watching in awe.

I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry.
I only want your hand to hold, I only want you near me.

Fangar felt as if he knew this song, or had heard it before. And he wondered if he could be her second voice.

To love, to kiss, to sweetly hold, for the dancing and the dreaming.
Through all life's sorrows and delights I'll keep your love inside me.

Her singing suddenly became faster, as the light became brighter.

I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning.
And gladly ride the waves of life if you would marry me.

A burst of light went through the room, hitting Fangar, and he fell to ground, feeling like he just took a blow to the chest, landing with and audible thud. The noise caught Raven's attention, and she whirled around. "Fangar? Are you alright? What are you doing in here? I thought you were in bed." She rushed to his side, and helped him to his feet. "I'm fine, nothing to worry about." "I'm sorry, I didn't know that it would do that. My mother never told me about it doing that." Fangar smiled, and looked her in the eye. "It takes a lot more than that to take me out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd best get back to bed, we have a big trip tomorrow." he rushed from the room leaving a bewildered Raven behind. She shrugged it off, and went to bed, readying for tomorrow.

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