2 - Not Good

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"(Name)," I shook (Name)'s shoulder, watching as she scrunched her nose and tried to roll away from me. "(Name) c'mon. Kanaya said she wanted you get up early so you'd go to get yourself ready for the fucking party."

        (Name) groaned and rolled back over onto her back, staring up at me with wide eyes. I shifted, pecking her cheek and then proceeded to get off the bed, stretching my arms above my head. She followed suite, walking groggily over to the bedroom closet.

        She yawned, "Isn't the party later?" I plucked a few things from his drawer, throwing them over my shoulder.

        "Kanaya said you two were going to prance around town doing fuck knows what. Probably get your hair done and nails and whatever."

        "Why did she text you and not me?" (Name) giggled. It was a bit odd that Kanaya had texted me and not her, and at five this morning. How could that troll manage to get up that early? I can barely lift myself at twelve in the afternoon. I shrugged and went to the bathroom, shutting the door with a slam.

        Putting my shit on the counter, I peeled off my night shirt, throwing it onto the floor next to me. A small knock on the door stopped me from doing anything else. I opened the door.

        (Name) stood there, holding a white towel in front of me. "You forgot it." I rolled my eyes, taking it and eyeing her as she began to turn back to our room.

        "Aren't you going to take a shower?" I asked, causing her to turn and look at me with a smile.

        "After you. Nice try though," (Name) laughed. I blushed, not fully realizing that's what that sounded like. That was unintentional, I fucking swear.

~ ~ ~

        I opened the door to the hallway, allowing steam to float around me and into the open room.

        "Hey (Name)?" I asked quietly, taking slow steps to the bedroom where she probably was. "(Name)?"

        I opened the door, looking around the empty room. Her clothes were put into the hamper in the corner of the room and her dress was gone. I turned back to the bare hallway. Had she snuck past me? No, the bathroom door was still open and the light was off - and there was no fucking way she would take a shower in the dark. She hated the dark.

        "(Name)? Where are you?" I shouted through the house, listening carefully as it bounced off the walls. Other than my voice, a small cough could be heard from the kitchen.

        I slowly went to the kitchen, the sunlight jumping around the room, and landing right on her small form. (Name) sat in her tank top and underwear on the tiled floor, head leaning over the garbage and hand holding her hair out of her face. The kitchen reeked of vomit, and her face was red and exhausted.

        I knelt down to her, feeling my stomach churn from the smell and the look of tiredness and pain mixed in her eyes.

        "Hey, what happened?" I asked, softly placing my hand on her back, where I felt her heart beat quickly through her body.

        "I-I don't know. I was just getting my stuff ready and I felt a pain in my chest and stomach, so I ran down here," she near-whispered. I pat her back as she spit into the trash can, closing the lid and standing shakily.

        "(Name), you should-"

        "I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right out."

        After that she went to the bathroom and shut the door with a almost inaudible click, and I sat on the floor left to wonder what that was all about.

        My phone begins to vibrate, making me jump from the floor and kick any other thoughts out of my head.

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