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You woke up early to the sound of a received text message. "I made a mistake babe lets talk." You laughed as you realized what you had read. You asked him why and he told you that he would come over later. You sighed but didn't protest.

Quickly you fell back asleep and was reawakened by heavy knocking on the door. You sat up, half-awake, and stumbled over to the loud noise. As you opened the door, Sunghee made his way inside. You felt his arms wrap around you, which caused you to gently push him away.

The two of you talked for a while. Sunghee told you he had broken up with the other girl and that he wanted you back. You looked at him and didn't say anything. During the conversation Sunghee had cried, begging you to take him back again. A lot. You scooted yourself a little closer to him and patted his back.

"Listen, oppa," you said softly. "I'll forgive you, but I can't take you back." Those words pierced through Sunghee's heart like a dagger, but he still managed to look up at you. As time passed, Sunghee went on and on with apologies and blaming himself. You didn't say anything, but you silently comforted him by patting him gently.

You began to feel bad for Sunghee. Not only was he in pain for a mistake that he had made, but you were barely focused on him yourself. Your mind kept wandering to thoughts of Yoongi the more and more that Sunghee spoke. You weren't his anymore, neither mentally nor physically.

After it was dark, Sunghee decided to leave. You helped him out of your home, and walked him into the hallway, giving him your final goodbyes. He surprised you with a hug, which you hesitantly pushed off. You sent him home and went back into your apartment. You lied aimlessly in your bed as you sent Yoongi a text. You received no response, thinking to yourself that he must be busy. You started to scroll through the large amount of photos that you took the day before. You sent him the selfie of you both that you thought looked the best.

You repeatedly scrolled through the photos. "Wow," you whispered to yourself as you rolled into your blanket. You felt a little strange as you looked at the pictures one by one. You didn't know whether or not you were gaining romantic feelings towards Yoongi, and frankly that made you worry. He'd been your best friend for a long time, and what if things were to happen that split the two of you apart? Your fingers kept scrolling through the pictures and soon enough you came across a picture of you and Sunghee together.

You flicked your finger so that the pictures hopped between the photo that featured and Sunghee and the one that featured Yoongi. You sighed as you realized how cute you looked with Yoongi. Eventually you stopped yourself and put your phone down.


A few days passed and you hadn't heard from Yoongi. You thought to yourself that he must be busy as you got yourself dressed for work. You left home and headed towards your workplace. Walking past, you passed The home that Yoongi used to live in before he became an idol. You smiled as you remembered the time when you both were younger. You pushed the thoughts away a bit and continued your journey.

On your way home from work, you went into a nearby coffee shop, it was your favorite. The shop owner quickly brought you what you ordered every time, and greeted you. You chuckled and returned the greeting, paying her right away and even giving her a bit extra. When she left, you looked down at your drink and admired it. Once you looked back up, you noticed Sunghee walking into the shop and towards you. You mentally sighed, and took a sip of your drink.

Sunghee sat down with you, giving you a smile that you hesitantly smiled back. "(y/n)," she started. You blankly made a "hm" sound, signaling for him to go on. Sunghee began to talk on and on about the conversation from before, and you listened to him, carefully answering whatever he asked. You basically repeated yourself, and soon you excused yourself and went home quickly. You were annoyed by him, as well as slightly flattered. Once inside your home, you checked your phone. No Yoongi. You sighed loudly, and flopped down on your bed and held onto your pillow.

Where was he?

Part four is complete babies, and I hope you enjoyed! Oh, also if any of you are still in school good luck on finals! ❤️☀️

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