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You lied in your bed, clenching your phone in your hand, waiting on it to give you some sort of notification from Yoongi. Anything. Eventually you got frustrated and dialed his number.

The number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the tone.

You left him a simple yet aggravated "call me" and hung up the phone. You were actually desperate enough to leave a voicemail. You waited for a response, but received none. Eventually you ended your day, just like you've done for the past few nights.

The next day was the last workday of the week. You calmly went about your day, made your routine cafe run, and returned to your apartment. As soon as you stepped inside, you collapse onto your bed. You lied there on your back with your phone in between your hands. You wanted it to ring, to vibrate, to do anything. Quickly you tossed it into your pillow and grabbed another one of your pillows to squeeze. You waited for some sort of a notification, but you received none. You waited a while, suddenly beginning to think of various situations as validation for Yoongi not contacting you. You started to think of whether or not you did anything wrong to him, and decided against it.

You flipped onto your side and hugged your pillow even tighter, which was slightly comforting in replacement of your friend. "Who am I to want to talk to Yoongi every twenty seconds? It's not like we're dating or anything," You scoffed somewhat sadly, followed by a quietness that made you think even more. "Who is he to not contact his best friend and leave them alone?" You scoffed again, with the same distressing silence filling your room again. You squeezed the pillow tighter as you began to worry as you waited on Yoongi to contact you. You began to assume that maybe his phone was broken and he just couldn't contact you. After this you began to realized just how lonely you were, however, later into the evening it began to rain, which distracted you from your wandering thoughts.

The nighttime grew on and you listened to the rain, however a knock on the door disrupted your thoughts. You honestly didn't want to move, you were laying so comfortably. You, however, forced yourself to move and answered the door. You opened the door and examined the person that stood there, expecting it to be Sunghee. Your eyes widened at the sight of a Yoongi soaked with rain. "Oh my, come in," you said quickly, dragging him by the arm into the apartment. You shut the door behind him and quickly rushed to get him a towel, and on the way back you turned up the heat so that he would be comfortable.

You sat on your bed and Yoongi sat on the floor. There was a piercing silence through the room except for the sound of dripping water onto the floor. "Where were you?" You asked carefully, yet with an apparent tone of worry in your voice. Yoongi responded with a simple "I was busy" and the almost suffocating silence returned. "I have a question," Yoongi said softly. You told him to ask it and he responded hesitantly. "Are you and Sunghee still a thing?" He asked cooly in an attempt to mask the apparent sadness in his voice. You responded with no and another silence arrived that wasn't as threatening as its previous counterpart.

Yoongi didn't seem to believe when you told him that you and Sunghee weren't still in a relationship. He told you that he kept seeing you guys together accidentally, and you told him that Sunghee was trying to persuade you, which was unsuccessful. Eventually ended up on the floor along with Yoongi and another towel, trying to get him dry. You heard him mumble something along the lines of "Why are you so stupid?" You looked at him in a confused way, and he just shrugged it off. Eventually you gave up trying to get his clothes dry and you handed him some of Sunghee's old pajamas that he left at your house, well more like pajamas that you hadn't thrown away yet. Yoongi changed into them while you put his current clothing items onto a drying rack. He came out of the bathroom and you laughed, the clothes nearly swallowed him.

You continued to laugh about how the clothes looked on him, and Yoongi seemed to not care. He lied in the bed nearly drifting off to sleep. You sat at the edge, looking at your phone mindlessly. Soon enough you heard the guy next to you say something you could barely make out. You looked at him, who was nearly asleep. "You should really take a hint sometimes," he said, opening his eyes a little and sitting up next to you. "Why'd you wake yourself up?" You asked, but he ignored the question. You felt him put his hand on your shoulder and heard him ask you whether you thought he came all the way from his dorm in the pouring rain for nothing. You asked him why did he come, and put down your phone. Yoongi hesitantly told you that he liked you. Plain, simple, boring I like you.

You looked at him and gave him a tiny smile, promptly asking him "really?" as if you needed more confirmation. He repeated himself and you awkwardly chuckled. You looked at him and asked, "So are we together?" He shrugged indifferently, but had a smirk that meant "obviously we are."

Eventually as the night wound on, Yoongi had fallen asleep and you sat awake holding his hand. You looked at it, then to his face, and back to his hand. You were sort of in disbelief that the two of you were now in a tightly stitched relationship after you'd known him for the better part of your life. It was silly for you to say that you saw this coming, because you didn't. However, something made you worry. You were worried about something bad happening that would cause your relationship to unravel and eventually the two of you would have to spilt. You pushed your thoughts aside and told yourself to "live in the moment" and "worry about that when the time comes." You silently hoped that time would never come.


Hello ^^ ah, sorry for the bad quality. Wattpad had the AUDACITY to delete my first draft of this, which was nearly finished and just needed two more parts. 미안해요. Once you get past that, I hope you enjoy the story as a whole, and please continue to read the series. Thank you so much for reading! 저는 사랑해요 ❤️☀️

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