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You pried your eyes open to see a bright room the same way you left it last night. An empty plate centered between empty bottles, the TV that was softly playing whatever was on daytime television, and your cell phone face down halfway across the room. And no Yoongi. Sliding out of bed, you felt it. An annoying headache that wouldn't go away. You stumbled over to your phone and picked it up to check the time. A groan left your lips as you realized you were late for work. Why did you drink on a weekday anyway?

You found yourself back in your bed, calling into work sick and blankly staring at the scene in front of you. Hanging up, you lied in bed scrolling through your pictures. "Who allowed you to make me miss you so much?" you said softly, scrolling past a picture Yoongi had sent you while he was on tour.

Eventually you got tired of doing nothing but looking through the same countless photos that have been seen hundreds of times already. Your arms wrapped around your pillow and you quickly drifted off to sleep.

A ring of your doorbell woke you up from your light slumber, causing you to sigh. Who was it and why were they bothering you while you wallowed in your own self pity? You slowly rose and went over to open the door. You swung it open quickly and coldly stared at whoever was in front of you.

Rubbing your eyes to quickly adjust to the light and see who was standing in your doorway, you immediately wished you could shut the door again.

"You've got to be more careful, don't just open doors for anyone," they scolded-- Yoongi scolded. You didn't say anything. You looked like trash and smelled of yesterday's alcohol mixed with the scent of Seoul's subway. You wanted to shut the door, run inside and transform yourself into someone that looked somewhat decent. However another half of you didn't care that you looked and smelled like a musty pub, and you just wanted to hug Yoongi.

He took that step. Yoongi came closer to you and wrapped his arms around you. You let go of the door and did the same. He was warm in contrast to the air outside and smelled like a scent you had been missing for a while, his lovely scent. You rested your head on his shoulder and quickly you felt like crying. And you did. Warm tears rushed down your cheeks and into the fabric of his jacket. Yoongi didn't move, only continued to hold you. Your sobs grew louder as you told Yoongi how much you missed him and how bad you felt about not bing able to talk to him. He reassured you that it was fine, and began to bring you back inside. It's cold after all.

You both managed to get into your apartment, being protected from the weather. Your tears still stained your cheeks and you still held onto Yoongi, not letting him go as if he would run away if you did.

Almost like a broken faucet, your lips leaked words of endearment, telling Yoongi that you love and missed him. You looked at him and there was a smile plastered on his face. One of genuine care and happiness that make your heart feel just as warm as his hands did against your skin. Although your tears were cold and dried on your face, you returned that warm smile to him, hoping to make him feel just as happy as he made you.

Hello babies~ So this was an extremely short chapter to somewhat hold you guys over for a short while longer. I'm really excited to write the next chapter which will be out fairly soon. Thank you guys so much for reading and voting and commenting. I love and appreciate you all. Thanks so much!
애기들이, 사랑을 많이 많이 감사합니다~ 더 읽어 주세요 (pls read more~)

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