Stoneheart- Pt. 2

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Juliet watched the TV Broadcast while eating.

"The stone beings are scattered all over Paris, and for the time being, they are showing no signs of movement." A variety of pictures of the stone beings are shown on the TV. "Police have cordoned off the area."

Juliet stared at the silver earrings. Tikki had said she was the chosen one.

"We won't stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves, but for now, we're not making much headway." Mr. Bourgeois says.

Juliet scrunched her face, walking away from the table.

"Paris is relying on our new guardian angels, Lady Scarlet and Chat Noir, to save us all. Our lives depend on them." Nadja continued.


Juliet quickly ran into the school washroom and put on the earrings. "Tikki?" Juliet asked worriedly.

She sighed in relief when the red kwami appeared. "I'm sorry for giving up on you, Tikki. Now that I've made a mistake, I-i can learn from it and fix it, right?"

Tikki nodded happily. "I knew you'd come around!"

"I mean, I can't just lay back and do nothing." Juliet smiled.


"Oh, Juliet!" Sylvia exclaimed. "Did you see the new superheroes?!"

Juliet giggled. "Yeah, that red girl looked really cool."

Then, she noticed Ivan walking away furiously.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Chloe laughed.

"Why would you say that?!" Alya said, her arms crossed. "You're the real stoneheart."

Chloe scoffed. "So, I'm the one who broke 's dad's arm? Just because your lame footage of those superheroes was shown on TV, doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty."

Alya steamed. "You little..."

"Oh no, she's angry! She's going to split her underwear and turn into a huge ugly monster!" Chloe mocked as Alya ran off.

Suddenly, a blonde boy appeared. Juliet stared at him in awe. "Who's that?" She asked. Sylvia squinted her eyes in order to get a closer look.

"Hey, Chloe!" He exclaimed.

Chloe's face lit up. "Adrikins! You came!"

Some other students ran up to him, excited to meet the model.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Adrien!" Sylvia squealed.

"Adrien?" Juliet thought for a moment. "Oh! Adrien! The son of Gabriel Agreste!"

Sylvia nodded rapidly. "He's the son of famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste! He's the face of his brand, and super cute~" Sylvia laughed, sighing.

Juliet continued staring at the boy as Sylvia ran towards him. 'Gabriel Agreste is my idol too....' A slight blush dusted her cheeks. "Adrien, huh?"


Juliet sat down alongside Sylvia, staring at Marinette's seat and sighing. No wonder Sylvia didn't like her. She was so quick to assume everyone's personality.

Suddenly noticing Adrien walk in, Juliet immediately sat upright, curiously watching the model. Sylvia noticed this, smirking.

"This is your seat, Adrikins." Chloe states. "I saved it just for you. Right in front of me!"

Adrien has a slight deadpan look. "Wow. Thanks, Chloe." He walks over to his "assigned" seat and sits down.

A black boy sat beside him, using his phone. Finally, Adrien looks up. "I'm Adrien. You are..."

Miraculous: Tales of Lady Scarlet| BOOK I |Where stories live. Discover now