The Bubbler

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Juliet nervously fumbled with the ribbon on top of a gift box. Her attempt to tie a red bow on it was failing though. She sighed. "Do you think Adrien will actually like this?" She asked her kwami as she flew up.

The ladybug-themed kwami flew up. "Of course he will! You've really been getting closer to him!" Tikki assured her. Juliet hugged her kwami. 

"Thank you so much, Tikki." She said, "I'm so glad I have you to guide me." Juliet put the gift under her right arm as she made her way downstairs.


Juliet got out of her car, inhaling. Sylvia then hugged her from behind. Juliet shrieked. "Oh, you scared me Sylvie!" She told her. Sylvia giggled in response. "Oh, whatcha got there?"

She blushed in response. "Well, um, it's a gift for Adrien's birthday..." Juliet babbled. "It's nothing really, just like a suit, from my mom's business."

"You know his birthday? Didn't you just meet?" She asked curiously. Juliet nodded. "Yeah, in the cafeteria. We were just talking so, he told me his birthday. And I told him mine."

The brunette tilted her head. "So, Adrien must be a... Gemini! And you are...?"

"Well, August 27, so... Virgo I think?" Juliet guessed. Sylvia squealed. "Well, I'm pretty sure Gemini and Virgo are compatible..." Sylvia typed rapidly on her phone. "Um..."

"Well, who cares about horoscopes anyway?! Go give him the gift!" Sylvia exclaimed.

Juliet looked at her gift, then at Adrien. "N-now? He looks busy with Nino or whatever..."

"Nino? Ugh, come on, girl!" Sylvia asserted. "Go give him the gift!"

Juliet stayed still. "I think something's wrong with my feet. I should probably wait it out..." Juliet insisted. "Ugh, I can't do it Sylvia! I'm... too scared!"

Sylvia rolled her eyes. Taking hold of her friend's hand, she began marching over to Adrien. Juliet sighed in defeat.


Juliet and Sylvia quickly walked over Adrien and Nino. "Oh, Juliet." He acknowledged.

Sylvia looked at her expectantly. Juliet inhaled, finally gaining courage. "Um, it's a gift. For your birthday. Happy birthday." Juliet confessed. She held out the box.

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck while holding the gift. "Wow... thank you, Juliet." Adrien responded.

"No problem! It was nothing, really. It's just some suit." She stated.

Adrien nodded. "Well, thank you!" He smiled. Juliet blushed, walking away.

Juliet squealed. "He liked it! I'm so happy!" Sylvia shook her head. "And you were so scared. Honestly, those antics remind me of someone... Marinette." She jeered.

Juliet pursed her lips, turning her head to the brunette. "Come on, please don't compare me to her!"

The duo noticed Marinette hiding behind a trash canister, seemingly watching Adrien.

Juliet frowned. "Speaking of her... is she stalking Adrien?" She inquired, staring at the bluenette. Sylvia sighed. "She's a weirdo. It's sort of concerning." 

Marinette walks over to Adrien, well, more like stumbling over. "I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make-– I mean, gift you a give I made-- I mean..." Marinette stammers. Chloe yawns, then pushed her out of the way.

"Out of the way." Chloe stated, then begins to act sweet. "Happy birthday Adrien!" She threw herself onto him, kissing him on the cheek. "Mwah!"

Juliet glares at her. She couldn't help but feel jealous. 'Was Adrien even okay with that?'

Miraculous: Tales of Lady Scarlet| BOOK I |Where stories live. Discover now