Chapter Two

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-------Chapter Two-------

-------Chapter Two-------

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Y/N's heart shattered. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She immediately remembered what Scaramouche had said about Heizou liking Kazuha. "Hey, I think I'm going to get some air..." She said to her roommate. "But, what about the tour-" Kazuha didn't get to finish, Y/N had already shut the door behind her.

As Y/N began to wander around the university more, she got extremely lost. She ended up halfway between Liyue and Inazuma and began to panic a little. She prayed for some sort of knight in shining armour, but she knew Kazuha wouldn't turn up for her. She shut her eyes and tried not to cry.

"Are you lost? What are you doing standing in the middle of the hall?" Y/N opened her eyes to see the familiar indigo hair and eyes from Heizou's dorm. Scaramouche placed a hand on his hip and rolled his eyes. "Are you going to say something or are you just going to continue standing there and looking stupid?" He tilted his head to the side a little, a scowl displayed on his face. Y/N continued to stay silent, which caused Scaramouche to sigh and turn away. "Follow me, I'll show you around or whatever" he walked off, not even sure if she was following.

Scaramouche turned around to see her following right behind him like a lost puppy, he turned back away and smirked for a short while. "So, you're not a complete idiot. Good to know" he was unnecessarily rude, and she had the urge to slap him across the face, but since he was helping her, she decided it would be best not to.

Since walking around the whole university would basically be an impossible mission. Scaramouche only showed her the area she was in and the rough parts of the Inazuma section. He pointed in the directions of all the other nations and explained how there are certain areas away from people walking around so you can actually drive around.

The two actually seemed to get along really well, despite his occasional rude remarks. Scaramouche was practically the opposite of Kazuha.

After many hours of walking around, the two were exhausted and ready to head back to their dorms for a good rest.

Y/N then remembered what happened in her dorm with Kazuha and didn't want to go back yet. She didn't want to bother Scaramouche either. She was stuck and just stood in the hallway, trying to think of what she should do.

Scaramouche, who was walking away noticed her lingering presence. "What's your problem now?" He asked. The tone he used was harsh and cold, nothing like Kazuha's, yet, she couldn't help it and explained everything that had happened, which led her to be walking the halls anyway. "Mine's not far, I don't care if you want to sleep on the couch or go back to yours" he offered. This took Y/N by surprise, even if he wasn't gracious enough to give up his bed, she still had to be grateful.

As the two walked to Scaramouche's dorm, he explained that he had an annoying roommate that Y/N should just ignore. She guessed that she might as well take his advice after the kindness he showed her.

Scaramouche opened the door for them both and walked in first with absolutely no hesitation.

When Y/N stepped through she saw a tall man with ginger hair sat at a table eating cereal, with chopsticks, or trying to at least. As soon as he heard the door open he immediately spoke in a cheerful way "Hey, comrade!" The ginger man didn't turn around, instead he focused on using his chopsticks as if his life depended on it. Y/N assumed this was the roommate that Scaramouche spoke of, but he didn't seem all that bad, he was just strange.

"Make yourself at home," Scaramouche said, but the way he spoke wasn't comforting at all. Y/N couldn't blame him though, it had been a long day and he spent most of it wandering the halls with her. "Are you going to introduce me to your new friend? At least tell me his name," the tall man at the table asked, finally turning to face her, with a smile on his face. His smile faded quickly. "Scaramouche, brought a girl over? You're definitely a girl right?" He questioned, dropping his chopsticks and rushing over to inspect her. Y/N noticed his ocean blue eyes, which seemed to not reflect any sort of light, they were dull and murky like the deepest depths of the ocean.

"I'm Ajax, most people call me Childe or Tartaglia though, and you must be Scaramouche's girlfriend" he smiled.

Y/N got a little embarrassed and immediately shot down this idea of his. "Sorry to disappoint you, we're actually just friends" Y/N laughed nervously.

"Childe, you have to stop assuming things like this, also clean up your mess. You're never going to be able to use chopsticks, face it. Especially not if you're practicing with cereal!" Scaramouche yelled at him, clearly frustrated despite only just walking through the door. No wonder why he was with Heizou so often. "Calm down, buddy. It was just a question. Not to mention, if I can't use chopsticks, I have to use them for everything to master them. That means cereal too" Tartaglia argued back. "Also, if she's not your girlfriend that means I can ask her out" he whispered to Scaramouche, but Y/N definitely heard. "No, thanks" Y/N politely declined. If Kazuha had taught her anything it was to be straightforward, but not rude. "Are you sure, girlie? I'm hot and rich, what's not to love?" Childe chuckled, trying to change her mind. Scaramouche hit Childe in the arm. "Stop trying to force people, who clearly aren't into you" Scaramouche rolled his eyes once again. "I thought you said she wasn't your girlfriend. You don't have to get so serious about it all" Childe rubbed his sore arm. "She's not, you're just being an idiot that's going to scare her away" Scaramouche and Childe argued for a while longer as Y/N watched.

"I didn't bring anything with me-" Y/N came to the sudden realisation, and the two stopped bickering. "You can borrow my stuff, Y/N" Childe said, almost proud of himself. "No, that's ok. I'm sure I'll be fine" Y/N turned him down. Scaramouche sighed "I'll go get it for you" he volunteered, running a hand through his hair in frustration and swinging the door open before Y/N could intervene.

Scaramouche walked through the halls to Y/N and Kazuha's dorm, which was not close to his at all. He was annoyed, it was late and he was tired. When he got there he knocked on the door and tapped his foot impatiently. Kazuha finally answered the door.

"Scaramouche? What brings you here? It's 11pm" Kazuha asked, without a clue. Scaramouche pushed past Kazuha and stepped into his dorm. He was already slowly falling asleep. "I'm here to get Y/N's things" he started to pick things up that he thought she would need.

"You've seen her?" Kazuha asked. "She disappeared hours ago and I tried to message her while on that tour, apparently nobody has heard from her" Kazuha explained. "She's at my dorm, you don't know where it is. Don't follow me. I don't think she wants to see you right now" Scaramouche warned him.

"She's been with you?" Kazuha questioned him. His voice was monotone and unlike him.


Word count: 1270
A/N: Scaramouche x Reader moments? This was not part of the first draft, but it definitely fuels the plot 🤭 (There will be more)

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