Chapter Three

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-------Chapter Three---

Scaramouche was still thinking about everything that had happened last night with Kazuha

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Scaramouche was still thinking about everything that had happened last night with Kazuha. It never left his mind for a minute. Kazuha's words continued to ring through his ears, haunting him.


"Why did she go to you? Is it my fault? Is it something I said? Please, take care of her," Kazuha asked Scaramouche a lot of questions. "She didn't want to come back, she doesn't want to see you, I've said this. It's almost as if you're in love with her," Scaramouche scoffed in response.

It went quiet.

"Are you?" Scaramouche asked, looking Kazuha in the eyes. "I thought you liked Heizou, maybe that was my mistake. However, I'm sure that's what you told her, isn't it?" Scaramouche was the one to question Kazuha now. Kazuha finally spoke up, "So what? What if I like Heizou? What if a part of me likes her too..." Kazuha made eye contact with Scaramouche. There was no smile on either of their faces. The tones they spoke in were flat, emotionless.

"Make your decision, fast," Scaramouche broke eye contact and collected her stuff.

He packed almost everything. He didn't know what she needed, and he didn't know how long she would stay with him. He didn't know if it would be a night, or eternity.

Scaramouche pulled the handle to the door about to leave. He was already tired and it was only getting later.

"Do you like her?" Kazuha spoke as Scaramouche stepped out the door.


His head hurt. He would've never expected to have a conversation with one of his closest friends like that in his life.

He decided he had to find something to do. Something to take his mind off it so he walked into the kitchen. He was going to make breakfast and hopefully he'd feel better after eating.

He walked over to the kitchen and thought for a little while about what to eat. That's when Y/N appeared behind him.

"You can cook?" She asked with a slight smile on her face. She was definitely in a better mood this morning.

Scaramouche scoffed, "you underestimate me, Y/N" he lets himself laugh, a soft, genuine laugh. Y/N's gaze softened, almost as if she was mesmerised. She shook her head, no laugh, to her, could out match Kazuha's. "Only thing is I don't know what to make..." Scaramouche wondered.

(Hehe, he wondered - wandered. No? Not funny?)

Y/N's eyes were practically shining. "(Favourite breakfast item)!" She put her hands together and gave him a pleading face. "Hmm... alright then," the corners of his lips turned upwards, unfortunately his smile was hardly visible.

As he was serving the food, her eyes followed the meal at all times. She was completely mesmerised. It was just breakfast, but it looked so appetising. He almost laughed a little at her reaction, as she sat down and he placed the dish in front of her.

"Do you like her?" Kazuha's voice rang through his head again. "As a friend..." He whispered to himself. "Did you say something?" Y/N asked, stuffing her face. Scaramouche just shook his head and ate his own portion.

"It's really good!" Y/N told him. "I told you that you underestimate me," Scaramouche chuckled.

"I still think Zuzu makes it better though..." She said, her face saddening, but she still placed a small smile on her face.

Scaramouche's face displayed a blank expression. Without saying a thing, he just stood up and walked away, slowly. Y/N was a little confused by this.

"Do you like her?" Kazuha's voice said to him again. "No," he spoke to himself this time.

Y/N knocked on Scaramouche's bedroom door gently, she was a little anxious. "Are you ok? Is it something I said or did?" Y/N asked sheepishly.

"Do you like her?" The voice of Kazuha spoke again. Scaramouche opened the door and saw her standing there. She looked concerned. For him.

"Do you like her?" Scaramouche wore a blank expression. An unpredictable expression.

"Do you like her?" Scaramouche looked at her. He looked into her eyes and studied her face. His eyes landing on her lips.

"Do you like her?" He slowly moved his hands around her. She started to blush at his unexpected gesture.

"Do you like her?" Scaramouche leaned in, and caught her a little off guard. For some reason...she felt drawn to him and leaned in as well. Before she could process what was happening their lips met.

"You like her..." Kazuha's voice said to Scaramouche again, just like he had said last night.

Childe walked past, rubbing his eyes and saw the two, in the doorway to Scaramouche's room, kissing.

The ginger's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

A knock was heard from the front door.

Y/N and Scaramouche had lost the rest of the world.

Childe whispered, "I knew they were together..." Before yelling to answer whoever was at the door. "Who is it?" Tartaglia's voice rang through the dorm.

"It's Kazuha" the voice from the door spoke.


Word count: 842

A/N: Short chapter, but I was writing something thick and it deleted itself 😭 It was a filler chapter though, and I'm not quitting so here's a chapter to progress the story and add more spice to the mix. I'm thinking of another fic as well, I have a lot of ideas but you get no spoilers 🤭

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