Prolouge: How My Journey Started

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Holy crap dude, its been fricken MONTHS! BUT ITS FINALLY TIME!

Also consider this your warning, there gonna be like little to no fights in this book.

How did it start... well. . .

It started one fateful morning.

Windson POV:

I wake up to birds chirping at my window...


And the sounds of bullying.

I get up and poke my head out my window.

Windson: "What are you guys doing?"

Flare: "Bothering Mandil about his crush."

Mandil: "I do not love her!"

Ice: "Sure ya don't."

Windson: gasp "Ice! You have the cooling jacket now!"

Ice: "Yeah! I can finally visit you guys."

Windson: "Wait there I'm coming over!"

I rush to out on clothes and almost ran into my dad.

Brandy: "Woah there son, where are you rushing off to?"

Windson: "Ice has a cooling jacket! I'm going to go play with them."

Brandy: "Alright, but pancakes are almost done, say why don't you invite them over."

Windson: "Oke!"

The next few hours was a montage of me and my friends just... having a good time.

After a while... We were playing on the shores of Crab's beach, there was no crabs that day being the time of the month for them to be elsewhere in the world...

But I would find something on the beach. And it would be why I write this...

Also for context, Flare is a fire elemental, Mandil is a SnowDrake, and Ice is a SnowCap

Windson: "Careful Mandil!"

Mandil: "I know what I'm doing!"

Ice: "You fell off last time you said that!"

We were hopping on some rocks, having fun, as you do, Ice went to go climb up a large boulder... When...

When I heard it.

Flare: "Your gonna get yourself hurt!"

Ice: "No!"

Windson: "Ice you... can't..."

Whats that sound?

It sounded like humming, not mechanical just... humming, like something trying to draw you closer, get your attention, like it was... supposed to be...

I wander closer

hello, its numbered cozy here, other cozy was supposed to finish and release this yesterday but didn't cus he was fricken PLAYEN MINECRAFT! then had the audacity to upload a separate chapter to a different book so im doin his job for him hence why past this part will seem different.

I wander closer to the odd noise, eventually finding it from a rock laying down... I go to lift it up but, its oddly light.

Flare: "Hey! Windson! Whats going on?!"

I turn it over and... theres an image on it, I put my hand on it and... See something. A vision of some kind.

A vision of some place with tree's near a lake, a large boulder by it, and a door with a sign with words on it.


I would bring it back to my village, some would study it and find very ancient magic used with it, long forgotten and hard to re-create, for us... they believe it was our God who made this and left it, the sounds I heard we're supposedly a calling, my Destiny. It asks for me specifically to go on this journey, so I will, as dangerous as it can be, but my father trusts me, after all my mother was supposedly the best fighter, and he see's it within me as well. He's given me camping equipment and books that can teach me how to handle myself, he's also given me a mirror stone, which will teleport me back to the village if things are bad enough.

So i write this knowing I'll bring my journal with me, wanting to summarize it so I can continue writing, this will be continued later...

Update: reason iv not written in a few days is because i forgot my journal. Rip.

But lemme still give you the full story.

ok, its done, with that said we have a discord where you get pinged as chapters upload, so if ya wanna be on time the link is here:

for mobile users there should be a link in comments as iv 'hired' someone to do that since i type slow.

oh also, i dont think other me stresses this enough, but do check out our and his other works, alot of effort is put into each book (except this one apparently) and writing them takes more time then you'd think. other cozy thinks ADHD is an excuse and to some level i can see that but still-

check out our other works, if ya like this one so much whos to say the same level of enjoyance isnt in the others. not me or him thats for sure.

with that said cya.


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