Chapter 2: Fields Of The Forgotten

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. . . You'll see

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Chapter Start

So much graves, I've never seen anything like it. It's as if the whole multiverse died, and yet as I walked there was only ever more and more. The names made no sense either, Sans Blue #1834, Papyrus Fell #7, some numbers went as high as the ten thousands...

 The names made no sense either, Sans Blue #1834, Papyrus Fell #7, some numbers went as high as the ten thousands

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Why is there so many? I've been walking for 30 minutes and theres still so many.

Walking another 30 I finally saw something different, a church and behind it a raised grave section, but this one was actually gated...

The church door was locked, I knocked but heard nothing, the back graveyard gate was unlocked, the area was notably split into 2 sections, one was brighter but the other had flowers, the one with light had a lot of graves, Dream, Reaper, Original Papyrus Orange, Original Epic, but the orange one caught my attention, based on the former brother of Original Swap was etched below it.

The right side had much less graves, Killer, Horror, Murder, Insanity... Are they meant to be the old representation of the other side? No it can't be, the Swap grave is over here... But the grave with a black crown on top was titled for... Nightmare, The King Of Darkness, almost the only guardian of Feelings...

A grave sat alone... Ink, Fallen god...

Theres a trapdoor behind Inks grave, although it was a heavy drop I could see 3 metal graves from here, but could make out none, just a jacket with blue lines and circles laying next to one of them. I can't make out the other 2 but one had a jacket, I see something on the other... I think.

I close the door as it's maybe a 40 foot drop without a ladder and there was no way I could reach there... Being nothing else to do I wandered the church, seeing if theres a way in, the front door was the only way in unless I was willing to try climbing with my claws, which I'm not good at.

My dad back in his hay day was a master at climbing, he once even climbed a steep wall without claws amazing everyone, he's since settled to his grill restaurant.

I stared at the front door, unsure if I should keep walking or wait.

???: "Hello there Windson."

I jump as a voice startles me, behind me sits a-

I'm not certain, I would later find out she was something called a Human but I don't understand why there was no information about them before, as if they'd been gone for literal ages.

She has a grey body, her eyes we're black- no, blacker then black, her hair long and grey, a darker grey then her light grey body, she wore a long dress which reminds me of a church priestess dress but with a monochrome color scheme.

For those of you that want to look it up? Don't theres like 900 designs just use this for reference.

For those of you that want to look it up? Don't theres like 900 designs just use this for reference

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She looks pretty cute but thats first glance, why is she here and why did her voice sound familiar.

Core: "It sounds familiar because you've heard it before."

Her voice had a slight echo to it, but was sweet and calm, her voice... wait-

Windson: "Your the one that spoke to me about that feeling..."

Core: "Yeah, with the ghosts that used to be the ones to do it gone, its kinda up to me, but I can't to that entirely, I have a lot of work here to do."

Windson: "W-Work? You tend to all these graves on your own?"

Core: "No, I plant them, grass never grows here but the people of the past shouldn't be lost to time. Oh- where are my manners, my names Core Frisk, you may call me Core."

Windson: "I-I am-

Core: "Windson."

Windson: "Y-Yeah... Wait you know my name?"

She giggled before replying:

Core: "I've already said your name silly, but no matter, you've been walking for an hour straight, would you like some rest?"

Windson: "Y-Yeah."

Core: "Come on in, some stew is brewing."

She lead me inside the church, it was an ordinary church beside the home accommodations upstairs. Just all monochrome like her.

Windson: "Hey uh... Sorry if this is rude or offensive but... what kind of monster are you? I've never seen anything like you."

Core: "Well, why don't you check my soul and find out?"

Windson: "Oh, ah- I- uh..."

Core: "Oh, right. Such a thing is considered a very rude and peeky thing to do, due to it revealing so much."

Windson: "No- uh, if you are infact fine with it, I uh... Guess I can try. I think I remember how to do it."

It's more of a "Its highly private information about one that sometimes could ruin the person if revealed" situation as most know but even with permission it feels weird. It's something more so limited to security and military but due to... certain people it became something taught to teenagers like me as to identity... An attackers name.

I hold my hand out, call out reveal magic... And lightly reveal her soul...

It's the same orientation as Errors!

Core Frisk:
Hp: 35/37
Atk: 0
Def: 30

Once an ordinary Human,

Stained by the void,

A savior to the abandoned,

For the old world,

Now a hefty book,

Filled with knowledge of ancient times,

The last of her kind,

And the only one, who is a True Pacifist...

Yeah I did 2 chapters in one day, go read ToxicVerse it also has a sequel and is an actually original idea, the sequel is more fight based and ToxicVerse is my passion project.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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