In the Snow!

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Let's get into it!

First Person POV - Y/n

Harry and I came back to the common room early that morning and I could barely sleep. The nights events were just playing over and over in my head.

A few hours into the morning, Hermione woke me and told me she was going down to Hagrid's cabin to talk to him again.

I was too lazy to go and just wished her good luck before going back to sleep. I woke up again around noon only after I was forcefully waked up by Angelina who thought I had jumped out the tower out of misery.

Funnily enough, I hadn't even thought about my whole Quidditch situation since yesterday afternoon.

"I'm alive and well," I told Angelina as we walked down to the common room after I got ready, "Although, I suppose I might eventually process that I've lost Quidditch."

"We'll figure something out."

I walked down to the common room where Ron was sitting with his homework.

"Where's Harry?" I asked as I sat down beside him.

"Said he's off to break up with Cho," said Ron and I stared at him, "Guess its your chance."

"Right," I said smiling.

Harry returned later and I smiled at him as he came and sat down. He smiled back so happily you would think Umbridge had been fired or something.

"Y/n, can you help me with this?" asked Harry and he slid over close.

The smooth bastard.

"Sure," I said mockingly.

He interlocked our hands under the table and when the common door opened and Ron turned, I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. 

We both separated just as fast when Ron turned back, but Harry had been a bit too fast and knocked Ron's pencil off the table. 

"What's wrong with you?" asked Ron. 

"Nothing," I said casually as he started to reach down to pick it up and I yelled for him not to.

"Why?" asked Ron.

"Cause I'll get it," said Harry and he went under the table.

"Ron you threw your stupid pencil under the couch," snapped Harry. "It'll take me a little bit to get it."

"Bloody hell Y/n," said Ron and I just nodded.

In the next moment, I felt Harry slowly linger near my inner thigh and I coughed off the sound of shock as he started to kiss my inner thigh. 

"Sorry I just realized that I left something in the dorm," I said as Harry continued relentlessly, "I...I'm going to get it now."

I pushed Harry back slightly and got up and ran upstairs. Luckily you couldn't see the fifth year dorm entrances so I turned into Harry's.

"Slick bastard better take the hint," I mumbled as I waited.

A minute passed and then the door opened and Harry walked in. He was smirking and I just scoffed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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