[ 001 ] welcome to the 118, buck.

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welcome to the 118, buck.

"JESUS CHRIST!" A woman gasps as she examines the ink. "What the hell possessed you to put that on your body permanently?"

"I didn't." Another woman replies. "I was dared."

Captain Bobby Nash, or Cap, looks up from his plate to the young woman. Her brown hair is pulled back into a slicked-back ponytail. She stands beside her chair, her shirt untucked. Chimney and Hen gap at her lower back.

"You're an adult with a child, you shouldn't get random tattoos because of a dare, Rhodes." Bobby tells her sternly.

"Don't worry, Bobby. I didn't leave her all by herself at home. She was at Athena's." Ivy informs the man.

Athena Grant, Ivy's surrogate mother. Athena, the woman who has welcomed Ivy into her arms with a smile on her face and a heart full of love. She took one look at Ivy and recognized the distant look in her eyes. Mommy issues.

"It's tramp stamp!" Chimney exclaims, pulling Ivy from her thoughts. "A tramp stamp!"

On instinct, Ivy Rhodes rears back and hits Howie Han, otherwise known as Chimney, right upside the head.

"Hey!" He snaps. "Watch it!"

"Sorry," she shrugs. Her eyes then turn to Hen. The older woman smirks as Ivy shakes her head.

"Who dared you to do that?" Bobby asks in his usual fatherly voice.

"Some random guy in the bar." She replies.

"Hi," a new, unfamiliar voice says suddenly. All eyes turn to the man as he approaches the table. "I'm lookin' for Captain Bobby Nash?"

His brows then furrow as he catches sight of the scene before him. A woman stands with her shirt pulled up, the people people kneeling behind her stare back at him.

"Um. . . bad timing?" He asks.

"I'm sorry. You said Bobby Nash?" Ivy asks as she tucks her shirt back into her pants. "We don't know no Bobby Nash."


"She's just kidding." Bobby quickly speaks up. The man looks back to him. "I'm the Captain."

"Hey," the man says back. He steps forward, holding his hand out for Bobby to shake. "I'm Evan Buckley, new recruit."


"Hey, you were a rookie once too, Rhodes." Bobby says to her.

"Yeah, like two weeks ago." Chim pipes.

"Uh," Ivy grumbles. "It's been two years since I joined the LAFD, assholes."

"Still can't get rid of you either." Chim scoffs.

"You'd be miserable without me, Chum Bucket." Ivy grins.

Everyone in the room smirks at the nickname Chim has been given by the twenty-four year old. Everyone except Chim.

"Don't call me that." He says. Then under his breath, comes the mumbled, "Republican."

"Hey!" Ivy snaps up. Again, Chim is hit over the head. "I am not a Republican! I live in LA!"

"Fair," Hen adds.

"Well, we can talk in my office if you'd like, Evan." Bobby says to the rookie.

"Uh, Buck, everyone calls me Buck." He informs them. "And you all?"

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