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“I could have saved Tony’s life. If only that had not happened to Anita,she never would have been upset enough to tell me to tell Tony that lie. If that had not happened to her,it might have rescued him. If I had bear hugged him before he bolted outside,it could have saved his life. If I prevented the Jets from doing what they had done to Anita at that moment,the lie never would have been told for me to tell Anton which I know would have been what saved his life.”

When she had to tell Tony the news, Valentina was not happy to be the bearer of bad news. When Tony ran outside ,all she could do was watch as he ran somewhere. She had no idea that it might be the last time she sees Tony. She wonders about what if things had gone differently. Would it have been enough to save Tony’s life? Would it have saved Tony’s life?

I Could Have Saved His Life (Valentina)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu