I Could Have Saved Him

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Valentina's POV

I haven't felt grief since losing my husband Doc. I haven't felt grief since the day that my husband died. Now here I am feeling grief again this time over Tony Wyzek. He had the kindest heart and was so sweet. I enjoyed having him around and he enjoyed it too. I was wondering what happened to him after I told him what an upset Anita had told me to tell him, not knowing it was a lie. I watched as a grief stricken Tony ran out of the shop not too long after I had told him what she told me to tell him. If only I had done something to stop him. I wish I did something to stop him from running out. I didn't know until after he was gone that it was a lie. I wish I found out if it was true or not. Maybe then I could've been able to save Tony Wyzek's life that night. I wish I could have saved Tony's life that tragic night. Maybe if I grabbed him to keep him from leaving,it would have saved him.

I Could Have Saved His Life (Valentina)Where stories live. Discover now