Memorial Letter

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Dear Tony,I miss you more than words can describe. I haven't felt grief since the day that my husband died. It was because of you I was able to get through losing him. You were amazing, kind and had a loving heart. I can't believe you are gone. I wish I could've rescued you. I'm so sorry that I told you that news but Anita had something almost happen to her right before she told me that news and to tell you that. I wish I didn't do it. I know that you probably wouldn't have been upset with me but I am still sorry. You were the son I never had. I can't imagine what life would have turned out if you were still here. I loved you as if you were my child. Because of you I'm who I'm supposed to be,if not for you I wouldn't be who I am today and I'll say it until I die Anton Wyzek you changed my life, you gave me dreams, most of all you taught me what friendship and kindness truly is. I don't think I would've survived losing my love if I didn't have someone as amazing and sweet as you Tony. Thank you for being the son I never had in my life.

I Could Have Saved His Life (Valentina)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora