✉️ 01

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"YAH" I said as I did the front kick which I had just learned. 

"very good Jungwon-ah." I heard my master say while patting my back.

I thanked him and bowed to him. I sat on the floor with my other fellow mates who were busy watching others practising.

"Looks like Master likes you now." I heard Jeongin saying. I smiled slightly at him and waited for our class to get over.

After practising a few more kicks I went to the restroom to change my uniform. 

I opened my bag to keep my clothes in it when I saw an envelope sticking out from my bag's front pocket. 

I sat down on the bench and opened it. 

Dear Taekwondo Boy,

          I don't know who you're but your taekwondo kicks were amazing. I got to know that you're new here, I must say you looked so professional while doing those kicks. Fighting!!!

I looked at the back of the page and at the envelope but there was no name written on it. I looked around and realised everyone has left. I sighed deeply and went home keeping the letter in my hand.

"Mom, I'm home." I said as I removed my shoes.

"How was your day, my son? You wanna eat something?" she asked as I unlocked my room door.

"It was good Mom and I don't want to eat anything. I already ate with my friends." I said and closed the door.

I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I lied. I was indeed hungry. I lied. I don't have friends to eat food with. I slowly took the anonymous letter in my hand and smiled bitterly. 

"Thank You for appreciating it." I said and slowly closed my eyes and waited for sleep to embrace me.

Letters || Y. JwHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin