Chapter 4: The Greatest Ape Escape

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As I pondered my decision, the urge to seek Sgt. Linda's counsel grew undeniable. Dialing her number once again, I awaited her response.

"Linda, I've reached the factory, and I need your input on my plan," I explained.

Curiosity tinged her voice as she inquired, "What's your plan, Brian?"

"First, I'll pilfer a cargo truck before it departs. Then, I'll drive the truck onto the cargo boat and make my way back home with an abundance of bananas, surpassing my initial goal."

Linda's concern seeped through the phone. "Brian, no offense, but I think that's a terrible idea. You're becoming too greedy. Just take one banana and leave. Remember, you're putting the wholefoods family at risk if you get caught!"

I dismissed her advice, barking, "Shut up, Linda! I know what I'm doing."

With that, I abruptly terminated the call on my Barbie girl deluxe cell phone. Little did I know, Linda's warning carried more weight than I was willing to acknowledge. My voracious hunger for bananas would soon plunge me into the depths of remorse.

Descending towards the cargo area, I silently dispatched a few guards, ensuring my actions remained concealed. This bought me precious moments to inspect the contents of the cargo truck and devise a swift theft strategy. As I initiated the stolen truck's engine, the rumble of its power vibrating through my being, a nagging thought gnawed at me. Would I be detected as I embarked on the treacherous journey towards the waiting cargo boat?

"Hey, you there! This area is for staff only!" bellowed a guard, his voice cutting through the air.

Panicking, I stammered, "Uh, I'm, uh... making a TikTok."

"What the hell is a TikTok?" the guard queried, visibly perplexed.

"LOOK OVER THERE!" I shouted, desperately pointing in the opposite direction.

Seizing the momentary distraction, the guard glanced away, falling for my ruse. "Wha- hey, stop right there!" he yelled, realizing my subterfuge too late.

Seizing the opportunity, I leaped into the stolen truck, swiftly starting the engine. Adrenaline pumping through my veins, I maneuvered the vehicle with a blend of reckless speed and calculated precision, evading guards, crates, and assorted obstacles littering my path. My destination: the awaiting cargo boat. However, just as I neared my goal, a figure leaped in front of the truck, sending both myself and the vehicle soaring through the air. The resulting crash transformed the truck into a mangled wreck, abruptly halting my grand scheme.

Groggy and disoriented, I struggled to regain consciousness amidst the wreckage. A firm grip tightened around my neck, and through the haze, I glimpsed the badge of Senior MacMurray. He had captured me, his fingers constricting my airways. Darkness encroached as I slipped into unconsciousness, unsure of how long it would claim me.

When I eventually regained awareness, I found myself enveloped in an inky blackness, my surroundings shrouded in mystery.

Brian J. Mullis In Operation Banana Eater DeltaWhere stories live. Discover now